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Micro Glutamina KYOWA™ Grado Farmacéutico




  • Improves Athletic Rendimiento & Recuperación From Endurance Exercise
  • Promueve Muscle Growth & Reduces Muscle Wasting
  • Reduces the Injury Risk in Sports
  • Supporst the Immune System & Reduces Inflamations 
  • Helps Recover Faster After Injuries & Offers an Analgetic Efecto
  • Mejora Brain & Gastrointestinal Health
  • 85 servings


Fast-absorbing glutamine for instant recovery after demanding training.

SCN’s MicroGlutamine is totally different from all other L- Glutamine products on the market.

With a very fast absorption rate, very fast action, amazing taste, it will help you feel recovered and relaxed just a few hours after your demanding training.

A massive dosage of 20g of Glutamine of this amazing amino acid in each serving, is everything you need so you wake up relaxed the next morning.



  • Improves Athletic Rendimiento & Recuperación From Endurance Exercise
  • Promueve Muscle Growth & Reduces Muscle Wasting
  • Reduces the Injury Risk in Sports
  • Supporst the Immune System & Reduces Inflamations 
  • Helps Recover Faster After Injuries & Offers an Analgetic Efecto
  • Mejora Brain & Gastrointestinal Health


Recuperación is one very important issue for all athletes and most of the times it is not easy to bring off.

A fast increase of blood l- glutamine levels after training will help the athlete recover very fast.

When you choose the L- Glutamine supplement for your post-training recovery, you have to be sure you buy a fast absorbing L- Glutamine.

All l- glutamine supplements and forms are not the same.

KYOWA™ Pharmaceutical Grade L- Glutamine is the most effective form of L- Glutamine on the market. It is absorbed very fast, giving a fast and very effective recovery in a few hours.

Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and the after-training time is a time that your body needs to build new proteins so it can recover properly.

So, as it is so needed by your body, you cannot overlook this need and not fuel your body with it.

Glutamine might also help gut function, boost the immune system, and other essential processes in the body, especially in times of stress.

It is also important for providing “fuel” (nitrogen and carbon) to many different cells in the body and this is why it can act as anti-catabolic (against catabolism = reduces the muscle tissue waste during training)

Also, it is needed to make other chemicals in the body such as other amino acids and glucose (sugar).

As it raises the glucose levels, you have to avoid using it before or during training if you want to keep your glucose levels low.



420g | Green Apple flavour | 85 scoops of 4g

420g | Peach Flavour | 85 scoops 0f 4g



To Reduce Muscle Wasting: Consume 1 scoop (4g) in 120ml of water 10-20min before workout and 2 scoops (8g) during workout.

To Recover: Depending the athlete’s weight and training time/intensity, Consume 2-6 scoops (8-24g) in 250ml of water or juice immediately after workout.

To Improve Hormone Synthesis: Consume 2 scoops (8g) in 120ml of water on an empty stomach before bedtime


ingredients: Pharmaceutical Grade Micronized L-Glutamine (Kyowa Quality ) 95%. FLavour powder & sweeteners: 5%

Nota: Los suplementos con alta concentración en ingredientes activos y sin conservantes, pueden pasar de la forma de polvo a la forma sólida. Este es un efecto natural de los ingredientes que son muy sensibles a la humedad. Intente consumir el producto entre 20 y 30 días después de abrirlo. Conservar en lugar seco y fresco siempre con la tapa bien cerrada. No utilice las manos mojadas ni herramientas para sacar la cucharada del interior del tubo.


Imagen motivadora de S-C-Nutrition.

*Este sitio web es sólo para su educación e información general sobre la salud. Las ideas, opiniones y sugerencias contenidas en este sitio web no deben utilizarse como sustituto del consejo médico, diagnóstico o tratamiento de su médico para cualquier condición o problema de salud. Los usuarios de este sitio web no deben basarse en la información facilitada en él para tratar sus propios problemas de salud. Cualquier pregunta relacionada con su propia salud debe dirigirse a su propio médico. No empiece ni deje de tomar ningún medicamento sin consultar a su médico. No le animamos a que lo haga, ni nos hacemos responsables de las consecuencias de no consultar a un médico.


Estás viendo: Micro Glutamina KYOWA™ Grado Farmacéutico 50.00
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