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碳酸氫鹽和運動鹽 – Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero

品牌: 英國力量與調理營養有限公司
庫存單位: SCN-53



Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero

The Ultimate Zero-Sugar BiCarb & Salt Product

✓ Sodium BiCarbonate

✓ Endurance Phosphate Salts

✓ Over 5000mg of 10 types of salts

✓ 4 types of Sodium

✓ 3 types of Magnesium

✓ 3 types of Calcium

✓ Zero Carbs

✓ Zero Sugar


Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero, is the 4th product of our Lactate Buffering series (and not the last 😏), together with Pre-Lactate Training Activator, Race Max Pro, Carbo⁶-Lytes¹¹.

SCN™, dedicated, as a clinic since 2011 and as a supplement brand since 2015, to professional and high-level endurance sports athletes, is expanding it’s range of specialised products, to maximize the endurance performance of the athletes.


Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero – What it is:

Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero, is a product providing 3500mg of Sodium Bicarbonate together with Endurance enhancing salts.

The result of this combination, is a product that keeps the athlete hydrated, even during the most demanding training, but also improving the athlete’s endurance and performance while also helping them buffer lactic acid.

With simple words, the best salt-bicarb formula even made!


Make any product on the market a super product

Turn anything you use into a super hydration – energy increasing – lactate buffering formula


Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero, is designed to go with any product you use. 

Add 1 sachet of Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero to your pre-workout, to your BCAA’s formula, to your ELectrolytes drink, to your carbohydrates drink….or any type of product you use before and during your training, and make it the ultimate super hydration – energy increasing – lactate buffering formula.


Pyruvate – Pure Energy

Pyruvate is an important chemical compound in biochemistry. It is the output of the anaerobic metabolism of glucose known as glycolysis. One molecule of glucose breaks down into two molecules of pyruvate, which are then used to provide further energy in one of two ways.

Benefits of Pyruvate:

  • 透過克雷布斯循環提供能量
  • 有助於重要的代謝反應:
    • 葡萄糖 ⇔ 丙氨酸循環
    • 丙酮酸 ⇒ 乙酰CoA
    • Pyruvate  ⇒  Oxaloacetate
    • Pyruvate  ⇔   Lactate
  • Improves Athletic Endurance
  • Spares Glycogen Storages



Energy & Endurance


Calcium pyruvate is a natural substance made in our bodies that contributes to metabolism and the digestion of carbohydrates.

Calcium pyruvate is the compound that starts the Kreb’s Cycle, by which our bodies make adenosine triphophate (ATP) or energy during aerobic respiration.

Aerobic respiration is that which occurs in the presence of oxygen, during exercises, such as running and jogging.

Calcium pyruvate supplementation improves endurance athletes whose bodies are constantly turning over ATP production for sufficient energy to perform sustained bouts of exercise.

Transporting glucose and protein to muscle cells and making optimal levels of ATP available are the theoretical benefits of calcium pyruvate.

The best part is that it  increases energy while reduces fatigue from endurance athletes.

Sodium Phosphate

Sodium phosphate works by increasing aerobic capacity and delays exhaustion.


Sodium phosphate is a type of supplement designed to increase endurance. It has been shown to improve lung capacity which results in better breathing rates during exercise and more oxygen intake.



Sodium Phosphate can help athletes in multiple ways:

  • It can make them better at key activities such as racing, intervals, and sprinting.
  • Sodium phosphate can also help muscle acidity during intense exercise.
  • It may help with cramping and muscle pain during racing and workouts.
  • It increases aerobic capacity by increasing the oxygen available to muscles during exercise.
  • Sodium phosphate increases time to exhaustion for endurance exercises like cycling or running.
  • Sodium phosphates reduce muscle tissue breakdown which would be important if you’re an athlete who does not get enough rest between workouts.



Sodium phosphate is different from sodium bicarbonate because it has the same ionic charge as phosphoric acid, and works in a similar way to increase aerobic capacity.

Combining Sodium Phosphate with Sodium Bicarbonate, you have an poweful combination of ingredients working together to maximize your endurance and sport performance.



What is inside Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero?


成分 Per 1 sachet (12g) %NRV*
Sodium bicarbonate


3500 mg

945 mg



Sodium triPhosphate


1500 mg

450 mg



Sodium chloride


1200 mg

468 mg



Potassium citrate


1100 mg

396 mg



Sodium citrate


500 毫克

117,75 mg





500 毫克

77,5 mg



Calcium bisglycinate


500 毫克

100 毫克



Calcium glycerophosphate

500 毫克

95 毫克



Total calcium 272,5 mg 34%
Magnesium gluconate


300 毫克

16 mg





300 毫克

45 mg



Magnesium bisglycinate


300 毫克




Total magnesium 121 mg 32%

*NRV 營養參考值


Sodium Bicarbonated –  More oxygen into your cells

  • 碳酸氫鈉的化學式為 NaHCO3。它是一種由鈉離子和碳酸氫鹽離子組成的弱鹼性鹽。
  • 碳酸氫鈉能清除肌肉細胞中的酸性物質,幫助恢復最佳的 pH 值。這可減少疲勞並提高表現。
  • 碳酸氫鈉可能有助於改善高強度運動後期的表現。
  • 碳酸氫鈉可能會改善人體在間歇訓練時的表現能力,這可能有益於許多運動的表現。
  • 碳酸氫鈉可以改善肌肉協調性和增加力量。它也可以增加您在健身房進行大重量重複運動的次數。


要瞭解碳酸氫鈉如何運作,首先瞭解 pH 的概念會很有幫助。


pH 值如何影響運動表現

在化學中,pH 是用來評定溶液酸鹼性(基本)的標準。

pH 值 7.0 被認為是中性。低於 7.0 為酸性,高於 7.0 則為鹼性。

身為人類,我們的 pH 值自然接近中性。血液中的 pH 值通常維持在 7.4 左右,肌肉細胞中的 pH 值則維持在 7.0 左右。




相反,它們必須轉換到另一種途徑 - 厭氧途徑。

透過無氧途徑製造能量會產生乳酸。過多的乳酸會降低肌肉細胞的 pH 值,使其低於最佳的 7.0。



碳酸氫鈉如何幫助維持 pH 值

碳酸氫鈉的鹼性 pH 值為 8.4,因此可以稍微提高血液的 pH 值。

較高的血液 pH 值可讓酸從肌肉細胞移動到血液中,使其 pH 值回復到 7.0。這可讓肌肉繼續收縮並產生能量。



碳酸氫鈉對以下情況特別有幫助 高强度运动 持續 1 到 7 分鐘,涉及大肌肉群。

此外,大部分的改善似乎都發生在運動接近尾聲時。例如,最近的一項研究觀察到,在 2,000 公尺 (1.24 英哩) 的划船比賽中,最後 1,000 公尺的表現提升了 1.5 秒。

對於 單車、短跑、游泳和團體運動.



間隔訓練 是指一個人在單次訓練中,交替進行強度較高和強度較低的運動。

這類訓練的例子包括跑步、腳踏車、划船、游泳、奧運舉重和 CrossFit。


這通常會導致 1.7-8% 的整體改善。



例如,在 8 週間歇訓練計劃中服用碳酸氫鈉的參加者,在研究期間結束時,騎單車的時間延長了 133%。


碳酸氫鈉也可能有幫助 增強.

在一項研究中,經驗豐富的舉重選手在運動前 60 分鐘服用碳酸氫鈉,可以在三組訓練中的第一組多做 6 個深蹲。


此外,碳酸氫鈉也可能有益於 肌肉協調.









原料: Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium triphosphate, Sodium chloride, Potassium citrate, Flavour, Sodium citrate, Calcium pyruvate, Calcium bisglycinate, Calcium glycerophosphate, Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids), Magnesium gluconate, Magnesium citrate, Magnesium bisglycinate, Anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), Sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides from Stevia).



  • 上菜: 1 sachet of 12g
  • Servings per container: 20
  • Net Weight: 260g
  • Flavour: Lemon


建議使用: Mix 1 sachet (12g) to 250ml of room temperature water. Consume the mix before and during training

建議每日劑量: 12 g (1 sachets)

Maximum daily dose: 24g (2 sachets)

TIP: If your electrolyte/hydration product is low in salts or minerals, mix it with Bicarb-Lytes¹⁰ Zero to mazimize the electrolyte concentration.
TIP: Using cold water may reduce the absorption rate and effectiveness of the herb extract.


由 SC-Nutrition 提供的勵志圖片。



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