- 330% higher Peptide Glutamine concentration !!
- 4000% (YES four thousand) higher Alanyl-L-Glutmine concentration
- 11 more ingredients to make a super effective 18-ingredient formula for a spherical recovery multiple action
- 3 types of Carbs (Fructose, Amylopectin, Cluster Dextrin) for faster cellular transportation and faster glucose replenish
- 25% more product for a total 350% higher result, as all our high-level and Pro athletes deserve.
Specialised for endurance sport athletes, with long, high intensity, highly catabolic workouts, even twice a day!
A simple protein/carbs and maybe some creatine is an old school, 90’s recovery product… that was ok for 30 years ago.
For endurance sports athletes, with 2 or even 3 training sessions a day, long workouts with high intensity, a “just OK” product is more than useless, it is dangerous.
We have created the best-it-can-be RECOVERY product exactly for these athletes.
Fast & Complete PRO Sport Recovery:
You need the best… we do do more than the best!
✓ We create unique supplements that will cover the needs of all the very demanding athletes that chose SCN to be the missing part of their victory & success.
✓ This is a relation that keeps you close to us and keeps us motivated to give more than the best.
✓ A very fast and complete recovery is what every athlete needs, so we had to work hard for months to give our athletes what they need, because they deserve it.
✓ An amazing supplement that will make you feel refreshed, relaxed and recovered in just a few hours after even the most demanding training session.
✓ Words are not able to describe what you are about to experience after consuming our….as we call it..FAST & COMPLETE SPORT RECOVERY formula.
New added, pharmaceutical grade ingredients with EU Pharmaceutical grade precision
Our old formula was the N! selling Recovery product, for a simple reason… It was a true RECOVERY product…and not a so called recovery product.
This formula, is even 350% more effective then the best ever recovery product every created.
- L-Arginine
- CURSOL® water soluble curcumine
- Selenomethionine
- Digezyme® enzymes
- SensActiv®
- Vitamin D3
- Copper Gluconate
- Bioperine®
Ingrediënt | Per Serving (30g) | NRV* |
Amylopectin | 6831 mg | |
Glutamine peptides enzymatically hydrolyzed | 5001 mg | |
L-Glutamine- Kyowa® | 3333 mg | |
L-Alanyl L-Glutamine | 2001 mg | |
L-Taurine | 1335 mg | |
L-Asparagine | 1335 mg | |
Cyclic dextrin- Clusterdextrin® | 1335 mg | |
Vitamine C | 666 mg | 832,5% |
L-Arginine base | 666 mg | |
Turmeric- Cursol® | 168 mg | |
Multienzyme complex- Digezyme® | 135 mg | |
Senactiv® | 66 mg | |
Natrium | 15,54 mg | |
Selenium | 300 μg | 545,4% |
Copper | 3330 μg | 333% |
Piper nigrum extract 95%- Bioperine®
Pure Piperine |
15 mg
14,25 mg |
Vitamin D3 | 20,25 μg | 405% |
*NRV Voedingsreferentiewaarde |
✓ The fastest and most complete recovery product on the market for high level endurance athletes.
✓ Your body will recover in just a few hours even after long and hard training sessions.
✓ Ideal for fast recovery for athletes with 2 daily training sessions.
Intense activity and workouts dehydrate your body and drain cells of glycogen, the energy stores that power your muscles. L-ALANYL-L-GLUTAMINE is a unique, clinically tested ingredient that combines the amino acids L-Glutamine and L-Alanine to assist with hydration.
Research suggest that L-ALANYL-L-GLUTAMINE may also support immune and intestinal health.
L-ALANYL-L-GLUTAMINEhas been designed for rapid absorption! Want to power up your sports performance?
FAST & COMPLETE PRO SPORT RECOVERY is formulated with a massive amount of 2000 mg per serving of pure, vegetarian, allergen-free L-ALANYL-L-GLUTAMINE
When it comes to potent performance ingredients, we’ve got the inside track
Endurance athletes are looking for products to help them rehydrate and refuel. L-ALANYL-L-GLUTAMINE is a revolutionary dipeptide form of L-Glutamine that supplies a combination of pure L-Glutamine (an amino acid for stimulating muscle protein synthesis) and L-Alanine (an amino acid needed for rebuilding glycogen stores).*
The result of a novel enzymatic process that bonds two amino acids together, this true dipeptide is much smaller than a complete protein and can be absorbed quickly. Clinically tested L-ALANYL-L-GLUTAMINE is a breakthrough ingredient designed to help bodies re-hydrate, replenish and recover.
Kyowa Quality® L-Glutamine – Superior Form of L-Glutamine
Kyowa Quality® is totally different from all other L-Glutamine products on the market.
Met een zeer snelle absorptiesnelheid, zeer snelle werking en verbazingwekkende smaak, zal het je helpen je hersteld en ontspannen te voelen slechts een paar uur na je veeleisende training.
- Improves Athletic Performance & Recovery From Endurance Exercise
- Promotes Muscle Growth & Reduces Muscle Wasting
- Reduces the Injury Risk in Sports
- Supports the Immune System & Reduces Inflamations
- Helps Recover Faster After Injuries & Offers an Analgetic Effect
- Improves Brain & Gastrointestinal Health
Herstel is een zeer belangrijk onderwerp voor alle atleten en meestal is het niet gemakkelijk om het van je af te zetten.
A fast increase of blood l-glutamine levels after training will help the athlete recover very fast.
When you choose the L-Glutamine supplement for your post-training recovery, you have to be sure you buy a fast absorbing L-Glutamine.
All l-glutamine supplements and forms are not the same.
KYOWA® Pharmaceutical Grade L-Glutamine is the most effective form of L-Glutamine on the market. It is absorbed very fast, giving a fast and very effective recovery in a few hours.
Glutamine is het meest voorkomende vrije aminozuur in het lichaam. Aminozuren zijn de bouwstenen van eiwitten en de tijd na de training is een tijd waarin je lichaam nieuwe eiwitten moet opbouwen zodat het goed kan herstellen.
Dus omdat je lichaam het zo hard nodig heeft, kun je deze behoefte niet over het hoofd zien en je lichaam er niet mee voeden.
Glutamine zou ook de darmfunctie kunnen helpen, het immuunsysteem en andere essentiële processen in het lichaam kunnen stimuleren, vooral in tijden van stress.
It is also important for providing “fuel” (nitrogen and carbon) to many different cells in the body and this is why it can act as anti-catabolic (against catabolism = reduces the muscle tissue waste during training)
Het is ook nodig om andere chemische stoffen in het lichaam te maken, zoals andere aminozuren en glucose (suiker).
Omdat het de glucosespiegel verhoogt, moet je het gebruik ervan voor of tijdens de training vermijden als je je glucosespiegel laag wilt houden.
Glutamine peptides are stable and better assimilated by the body than free form glutamine.
FAST & COMPLETE SPORT RECOVERY combines both L-glutamine and glutamine peptides ensurea good uptake, absorption, and stability in the body.
Like L-glutamine, glutamine peptides are credited with helping in the recovery of trauma, surgical and other critically ill patients. It is also believed that they may have immunomodulatory, anticatabolic/anabolic, gut mucosal barrier-protective and antioxidant actions.
The dosage for someone who has surgical trauma is typically 12 grams (given as L-glutamine) daily. It is about 25 grams (given as L-glutamine) daily for people with severe trauma and infections. For those who are using it orally as a supplement for fitness or sports purposes, it is recommended to use 1.5 to 4.5 grams (as L-glutamine) daily.
There are no known reports of overdose with glutamine peptides.
Highly Branched Polymer Amylopectin
Highly Branched Polymer Amylopectin is a highly biological value carbohydrate from starch.
Many elite athletes use it as its benefits for performance, recovery and hydration are impressive.
Like every other carbohydrate, the function of Highly Branched Polymer Amylopectin is to provide energy to the body.
The huge difference than other simple carbohydrates, is its size, as it consists of a more reduced molecular size that allows our body to absorb it more easily.
It has a very low osmotic concentration than other carbohydrates, so it needs less water to be digested and absorbed.
Osmotic concentration refers to the measure which expresses the concentration level of the components of diverse solutions. The concept is derived from the osmotic pressure that changes the body’s cells when the solution in question is introduced.
Therefore, with less osmotic concentration, less water will be required to digest the nutrient.
This is a great advantage when training as it requires a lower quantity of liquid, we reduce the risk of dehydration and its absorption is faster.
This characteristic also allows the body to absorb it quickly, rendering better and faster intake of glycogen into the bloodstream.
This improves the body’s response and, in this way, energy consumption.
Therefore, it is a carbohydrate which serves us greatly in order to not only recover from an intense training session but also prepare us for a training session.
Advantages of Highly Branched Polymer Amylopectin
- It restores the level of muscle glycogen 75% faster.
- It passes through the stomach approximately 75% faster.
- It is capable of providing glucose to the blood, liver and muscles approximately twice as fast as other carbohydrates.
- It improves performance by 23%.
- It prevents the destruction of muscle proteins by almost 80%.
- It facilitates the transport of energy and reduces, to a minimum, the risk of muscle cramp due to its low osmotic concentration.
- Highly Branched Polymer Amylopectin increases the delivery of fluids into the blood flow and provides us with strong levels of glycogen without affecting our performance or having to alter our daily diet.
Before, during and after training:
Taking it after a demanding training session or a race, it helps to avoid muscle loss, something which is difficult to achieve.
Also, it helps all other nutrients to pass through the cellular membranes faster and easier, it replenishes the glucose stores and the hydration in the muscle cell.
- One of the principal and frequently the most abundant amino acids involved in the transport of nitrogen.
- Required by cells for the production of protein.
- An essential component of those proteins that are concerned with signalling, neuronal development and transmission across nerve endings.
- Asparagine is essential to all living cells for the production of many proteins.
Cells can either internally produce asparagine or they can absorb asparagine from outside the cell, as it is obtained from a person’s diet and made available through the bloodstream to all cells in the body. L-asparagine is an amino acid involved in the metabolic control of cell functions in nerve and brain tissue.
- Very active in converting one amino acid into another (amination and transamination) when the need arises.
Asparagine serves as an amino donor in liver transamination processes. In the liver, a function of asparagine involves converting one amino acid to another.
- Helps maintain an equilibrium of the central nervous system and has therapeutic properties.
It also participates in metabolic control of the brain and nervous system having some therapeutic uses in these areas. In the central nervous system, asparagine is needed to maintain a balance, preventing over nervousness or being overly calm.
Like glutamine…
- It is important in the metabolism of toxic ammonia in the body.
The relatively unreactive, neutral amide group in the side chain of asparagine confers no special properties upon this amino acid once it is included within a protein by two peptide bonds.
Both asparagine and glutamine are made with high-energy ATP and can return this energy when they metabolise back to aspartic acid and glutamic acid respectively.
L-Taurine is geen stimulerend middel zoals de meeste mensen denken.
Het is een aminozuur dat werkt als een vaatverwijdend middel dat het transport van zuurstof en voedingsstoffen naar spierweefsels en verschillende organen verbetert.
De grootste rol van L-Taurine met betrekking tot het herstelproces is de cytoprotectieve (celbeschermende) rol die het heeft.
Andere voordelen van L-Taurine:
- De juiste hydratatie en elektrolytenbalans in je cellen behouden
- Galzouten vormen, die een belangrijke rol spelen bij de spijsvertering
- Mineralen zoals calcium reguleren in je cellen
- Ondersteuning van de algemene functie van je centrale zenuwstelsel en ogen
- Reguleert de gezondheid van het immuunsysteem en antioxidantfunctie
- Verhoogt de insulinegevoeligheid
- Bevordert herstelprocessen.
- Science has repeatedly shown that taurine is a powerful antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing agent. Exercise stress destabilizes and damages muscle cells by a number of different mechanisms, including oxidative stress. The antioxidant properties of taurine can ameliorate these adverse effects. Taurine has also been shown to reduce inflammation associated with cellular damage. Based on taurine’s protective properties, research has shown that this supplement can defend against exercise induced muscle damage and speed recovery.
- Removes the unwanted cortisol
- Antioxidant
- Takes part in collagen formation, a protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels
- Essential for the healing of wounds, and for the repair and maintenance of people’s cartilage, bones, and teeth.
- Strengthens the walls of the arteries.
- Prevents damage to cells caused by aging as well as help reduce stress.
- Protects the immune system and help athletes recover from intense training
- It helps in protein metabolism
- Helps to improve digestive absorption
Arginine is a vasodilator. This means that it dilates veins and arteries so the blood flow faster throughout the body.
Arginine will help all other ingredients to arrive faster to your cells so you have a very fast recovery phase.
Growth Hormone & L-Arginine
Arginine affects many different physiological processes. Taking arginine supplements improves your health, according to an March 2010 report in the “Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics.” Arginine-induced increases in human growth hormone, HGH, may mediate these effects. Your pituitary gland releases HGH to facilitate tissue repair, so increasing growth hormone levels with arginine may help you heal.
Cluster Dextrin® is the perfect post-workout carb to initiate the muscle recovery process and refuel muscle glycogen.
Supplementing with Cluster Dextrin® after training helps replenish muscle glycogen and create a more anabolic environment for maximal recovery, especially when combined with high quality recovery ingredients (alanyl-l-glutamine, KYOWA fast absorbing glutamine, Peptide Glutamine etc)
What is Cluster Dextrin® (Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin)?
Cluster Dextrin® is a patented sports supplement ingredient that is made from waxy corn starch (amylopectin) using a specific branching enzyme. The resulting carbohydrate is a novel form of maltodextrin known as highly branched cyclic dextrin (HBCD). Normally, maltodextrin is a linear chain of multiple glucose units and a molecular weight range of roughly 400 – 2,000 g/mol.
Due to the robust branching of Cluster Dextrin®, it has an exceptionally high molecular weight of about 400,000 g/mol with a narrow size distribution.[2] For reference, the molecular weight of dextrose (glucose) is a mere 180 g/mol.
In turn, Cluster Dextrin® has high solubility, very low osmolality, and resists retrogradation.
So, what does this all mean in layman terms?
Well, for one, it means carbohydrate beverages containing Cluster Dextrin® are much quicker to pass through the stomach and enter the small intestine. Sports beverages with glucose/dextrose and standard maltodextrin are the opposite.
It also means that Cluster Dextrin® is easier to tolerate for athletes and won’t cause the gastrointestinal discomfort of conventional sports drinks.
And finally, it means that Cluster Dextrin® provides a steady increase in blood sugar levels over time, whereas pure glucose/dextrose/maltodextrin creates acute spikes.
Hence, Cluster Dextrin® won’t leave you liable to swings in energy levels during a workout or athletic event, nor will it send your insulin levels through the roof like most carb supplements.
CURSOL® water soluble curcumine
Curcumin has potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the accumulation of AGEs. This review considers the current evidence for curcumin to impact muscle recovery following exercise to improve performance and the potential mechanisms of action.
The mechanical stress or over-training triggers an inflammatory response and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The result is sustained inflammation and oxidative stress which can eventually lead to muscle injury and the dreaded delayed onset muscle soreness.
Curcumin has proven to be beneficial in recovery from exercise due to its powerful antioxidant and inflammatory effects.
Studies suggest that turmeric has the potential to be very beneficial in reducing post-exercise soreness after high intensity training.
Cursol™ – Patented Superior Quality Curcumin – Standardized to 95% curcuminoids
Innovative Formulation
- Best source of soluble powder curcumin on the market
- Precise standardization of the active ingredient
- Double-patented formulation
- Designed for all pathologies involving inflammatory process
- Possibility of combining or adding other ingredients
- Suitable for a chronic use
- Once-a-day formulations workable
- Safe formulation-no side effects
CURSOL a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Ingredient
There is a real need for natural and side-effects free anti-inflammatory ingredients with high security of use and level of activity. Numerous anti-inflammatory drugs present numerous side-effects and cannot be administrated for a chronic use.
CURSOL activity and efficacy have been evaluated on three models, rigorously selected as predicting models for efficacy in humans: human and bovine chondrocytes, human chondrocytes in alginate beads and human cartilage explants.
The trials confirmed the anti-inflammatory action of CURSOL as well as its chondroprotective activity, making it the best natural ingredient for pain relief in osteoarthritis.
- It is a Powerful Anti-inflammatory
- Osteo Arthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Cognitive function & Alzheimer’s Disease
- Anti-Microbial Activity
- Supports Liver & Gall Bladder Function & Digestion
- Mood Disorders & Depression
Long term exercise puts constant stress on the body, as it increases the oxygen consumption by 1000-1500% compared to a non-athlete.
Selenium helps protect cells and cell membranes from oxidative stress.
Selenium forms a part of glutathione, an antioxidant enzyme that may provide protective effects against oxidative stress and cell damage. Supplementation with selenium may buffer some of the oxidative stress of strenuous exercise, resulting in less cell damage and quicker repair and recovery.
Digezyme® enzymes
DigeZyme® – Multienzyme Complex
Wat het is:
It is a unique, proprietary blend of 5 specific enzymes, viz. α-amylase (starch hydrolyzing enzyme), protease (protein hydrolyzing enzyme), lipase (Fat hydrolyzing enzyme), cellulase (cellulose hydrolyzing enzyme), and lactase (lactose hydrolyzing enzyme)
- α–Amylase: Breaks down carbohydrates, such as starch, glycogen and polysaccharides into smaller units
- Cellulase: Breaks down cellulose and chitin. It helps to free nutrients in both fruits and vegetables
- Lipase: Breaks down lipids, improves fat utilization and supports healthy gallbladder function
- Protease: Breaks down protein and peptides, supports immune function
- Lactase: Breaks down lactose (milk sugar) and useful for lactose intolerance
How it works:
Enzymes are the essential part of any chemical reaction that takes place in our body. Various biological reactions are regulated by different types of enzymes.
For example, several enzymes play a key role in the proper digestion of the food that we consume everyday in order to be assimilated and help body to absorb several nutrients.
Enzyme supplementation helps:
To withstand the stress caused by sudden changes in food consumption patterns, exposure to environmental pollutants, extensive travel and unexpected changes in weather.
In cases of enzyme insufficiency, caused by damage to the sites of enzyme production.
To lessen the symptoms caused by digestive and metabolic disorders, wherein individuals lack specific enzymes. For example, lactose intolerance, which is caused by lactase deficiency.
Made from Plants:
A majority of the digestive enzyme supplements currently available in the market are from animal sources. Hence, enzyme origin would be a great concern for a customer who is strictly vegan. Microbial enzymes, often called “plant-derived,” are of bacterial or fungal origin and are produced through fermentation using these microorganisms.
Sensactiv® Panax Ginseng & Rosa Canina Complex Extracts
Panax Ginseng together with Rosa Canina Extract, act as a effectiveness multiplier for other ingredients.
They both help all other ingredients to be absorbed faster and better but also improve the strength and the effectiveness of other ingredients.
They also have many benefits as:
- Boost energy
- Lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels
- Reduce stress
- Promote relaxation
- Treat diabetes
- Manage sexual dysfunction in men
- Reduce Inflammations
- Promote Brain Function
- Boost immune System
- Reduce Tiredness & Fatigue
- Anti-diabetic Properties
- Metabolism Boost
- Improves Liver Health
- Increases Lipid Metabolism
- Improves Thyroid Function
Vitamin D3
Recent studies have shown that there is a correlation between Vitamin D3 and muscle recovery.
The studies have concluded that having higher levels of vitamin D3 results in less muscle fatigue and better recovery post-exercise.
Copper Gluconate
Coper gluconate is a high absorption type of Copper.
Sport and health benefits of Copper
- Helps speed up recovery from sports injuries, such as strains and sprains.
- May delay exhaustion time.
- May enhance endurance by increasing oxygenation.
- Helps shorten reaction time by increasing production of adrenaline.
- Iron deficiency anemia not responsive to iron supplements.
- Wound & Tissue healing.
- Low function thyroid.
- Osteoporosis.
- High cholesterol.
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
- Vitiligo.
- Albinism.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Allergies.
- Stomach ulcers.
- Menkes` disease (a genetic disorder that causes severe copper deficiency)
Bioperine® – Black Pepper Extract 95%
Makes all other ingredients work better!! This what “natural bioavailability enhancer” betekent.
Bioperine is een plantenextract afkomstig van twee soorten peperplanten, namelijk lange peper (Piper longum) en zwarte peper (Piper negrum). De natuurlijke chemische verbinding is een gepatenteerd product gemaakt van het gestandaardiseerde piperine-extract van bovengenoemde pepersoorten. BioPerine® van Sabinsa (East Windsor, NJ) is een gepatenteerd gestandaardiseerd extract van zwarte peper, dat niet minder dan 95 procent piperine bevat.
Farmacologische studies hebben aangetoond dat piperine ontstekingen en pijn vermindert, een anticonvulsieve en anti-ulcer werking heeft, de lever beschermt, schadelijk is en een antioxidant werking heeft. Resultaten van eerdere onderzoeken toonden aan dat piperine een anxiolytische en antidepressieve activiteit vertoonde. Piperine remde ook de activiteit van monoamine oxidase (MAO) en verhoogde de niveaus van noradrenaline en serotonine in sommige gebieden van de hersenen van muizen.
Al deze eigenschappen maken het perfect voor de man of vrouw die op dieet is, maar wat nog belangrijker is, het is een klinisch bewezen biobeschikbaarheidsversterker voor voedingsstoffen. Het laat een verhoogde bloedtoevoer naar het spijsverteringskanaal zien, een verhoogde emulgerende inhoud van de darm en een verhoogd actief transport van voedingsstoffen.
Volgens de Merck Manuals is biologische beschikbaarheid de mate waarin en de snelheid waarmee een actief geneesmiddel in de systemische circulatie terechtkomt na het passeren van de eerste pass metabolismesites, namelijk de darmwand en de lever. Van bioperine is aangetoond dat het de biologische beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen verhoogt, namelijk bètacaroteen, vitamine B, B6, vitamine C, selenium en co-enzym Q10, en andere ingrediënten die in verschillende supplementen zitten, waaronder supplementen voor mannelijke verbetering.
Volgens onderzoek uitgevoerd door de fabrikant verhoogt bioperine aanzienlijk de opname van selenium (30%), bètacaroteen (60%), vitamine B6 (140-250%) en co-enzym Q10. Dus als je vetverbrander geen bioperine bevat, zou het dat wel moeten doen, want klinisch is vastgesteld dat het het actieve transport van voedingsstoffen verbetert en volgens een onderzoek versterkt het de werking van cafeïne.
Product information: 600g | 20 scoops of 30g | Peach Ice Cream Flavour | SERVING SIZE =1 scoop (30 g)
Mix 1 scoop (30gr) in 300ml of water or juice and consume immediately after training.
TIP: If you use a protein shake, consume Pro Sport Recovery and wait for 10-15 minutes before you consume your protein shake.
TIP: consume Pro Sport Recovery and wait for 10-15 minutes before you consume your post workout meal
TIP: Use room temperature water or juice to consume FAST & Complete Pro Sport Recovery. NEVER USE COLD WATER to consume any supplement.
Ingrediënten: Amylopectin (from corn starch), Fructose, Hydrolyzed WHEAT (GLUTEN)- (Hyvital® Glutamine Peptides), L-glutamine- Kyowa®, L-Alanyl L-Glutamine, L-Taurine, L-Asparagine, Cyclic dextrin- Clusterdextrin®, Flavour, Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid), L-Arginine base, Turmeric Cursol® (Stabilizer (Anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate), Emulsifier (Polysorbate-80), Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa L.), acidity regulator (citric acid)), Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids), Multienzyme complex- Digezyme® (Maltodextrin, amylase, lipase, lactase, cellulase and protease), Acid (citric acid), Senactiv® (Panax notoginseng (Burkill) F.H. Chen dry extract (root) and Rosa canina L. (fruit)), Anti-caking agents (calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid (dicalcium phosphate), magnesium carbonate and silicon dioxide), Sweeteners (acesulfame K and sucralose), Acid (malic acid), Sodium citrate, Colour (beta-carotene E-160a(ii)), L-selenomethionine, Cupric gluconate, Bioperine® (Piper nigrum L. dry extract, fruits) and vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).
Kyowa Quality®, KQ Logo is a registered trademark of KYOWA HAKKO BIO CO. LTD.
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