CARBO⁶-LYTES¹¹ – Professional Hydration, Electrolytes & Energy multi-formula
✓ It Hydrates you to the deepest of your cells
✓ It gives you energy for over 2 hours
✓ It keeps your muscles safer during training
✓ It buffers lactic acid
✓ It increases phosphorous levels
What else could a hydration formula do for you?
6 types of Carbs | 11 types of Electrolytes & Salts
Professional re- Hydration & re-Fuel Formula
Multi-time (0′-120′) glucose releasing carb mix
Ergogenic, Performance Enhancing Electrolyte, Sport Salts & Carbohydrates Complex Formula
Carbo6-Lytes11 is a multi-time energy releasing formula, that provides energy instantly after the first sip and keeps providing energy for up to 120 minutes!
Waxy Maize (also known as Amylopectin) forms an easy digestable gel in the stomach which provides, tohether with Palatinose, a great carb mix for slow-time releasing glucose.
Carbo6-Lytes11 is not a simple electrolytes product. It is the new generation of electrolytes, combining all the athlete wants for a deep, proper and long cellular hydration, for a long time release energy, while they increase the oxygen transport into the cells and protect the muscle tissue from extreme damage due to long and demanding training.
Maltodextrin together with fructose gives a carb mix of medium-time releasing glucose, perfect to maintain stable blood glucose levels during training which gives to the athlete a great endurance and performance boost.
SCNutrition brougth to you the new generation of Hydration Multi-formulas.
While all others sell just electrolytes or just carbs with sodium…we developed for you a multi-functional formula, which not only re-hydrates your body, with the unique 6.1g electrolytes and mineral concentration per dosage, but also:
- Increases the oxygen supply to your cells
- Optimises and accelerates the ADP-ATP and Cr-PCr processes
- Protects your muscle wasting (anti-catabolic/anti-fatigue) during training
- Helps you recover faster
- Supplies your blood with glucose in 5-time phases. Instantly to up to 2 hours
We only use the best quality of ingredients, so they are fast absorbing, highly effective, stomach/gut friendly.
Also, we use Bioperine™, a unique ingredient that multiplies the effectiveness and the function of the ingredients!
Fructose – A super Carb for Athletes!
For athletes, a positive aspect of fructose metabolism is that, in combination with other simple sugars, fructose stimulates rapid fluid and solute absorption in the small intestine and helps increase exogenous carbohydrate oxidation during exercise, an important response for improving exercise performance.
- Made up of chains of glucose molecules and has a high GI, meaning that energy is available quickly
- Oxidized quickly during exercise
- Reduce the risk of developing stomach complaints during prolonged exercise
The carbohydrate source in many energy drinks, is specifically selected maltodextrin. The particular size of molecule balances the amount of energy delivered versus how quickly it empties from the stomach. This means that you will feel the performance benefits of consuming a sport drink with maltodextrin faster with no stomach problems.
Cluster Dextrin ® – The King Of All Carb Supplements For Endurance
Cyclic Dextrin – The Fastest & perfectly absorbed carb type
Highly-branched cyclic-dextrin carbs are a soluble form of carbohydrate that’s perfect pre- and post-workout — powering your training and refuelling you after.
Cluster Dextrin is a low glycemic, highly branched cyclic dextrin (HBCD), which has a high molecular weight and ultra-low osmolality.
These properties of HBCD makes it highly soluble and promotes fast gastric emptying, virtually eliminating any gastric distress often associated with less advanced carbohydrates.
Cluster Dextrin also maintains a slow-release, offering the ideal interaction between carbohydrate breakdown and the normal release of free fatty acids.
The result is a superior carbohydrate that delivers smooth, constant energy and replenishes muscle glycogen stores without spiking blood sugar levels.
Cluster Dextrin® is research-proven to:
- Enhance endurance performance
- Promote fast gastric emptying times
- Lower markers for stress hormones after exhaustive exercise compared to other carbohydrate sources. No other carbohydrate source can demonstrate clinical data like this.
Research on cluster dextrin:
- In a 2013 human clinical trial of Cluster Dextrin®, 24 adult male athletes showed that during cycling exercise, the group administered 15 grams of Cluster Dextrin performed better than those who took the same amount of maltodextrin.
- An additional research study conducted in 2015 found swimmers who supplemented with HBCD before doing intervals at 75–90% VO2 max were able to improve time to exhaustion by 70% compared to when they supplemented with either water or glucose.
- Hiroshi et al. (2004) discovered subjects who consumed a sports drink based on 10% HBCD during bicycle exercise experienced few gastrointestinal disorders and consequently could continue the exercise comfortably with little fatigue compared to the groups who consumed a glucose-based sports drink.
- Lastly, a 2014 study conducted by Suzuki et al. found that triathletes who consumed HBCD before a race had a reduced stress hormone response and lower urinary cytokine levels compared to when they supplemented with glucose. This suggests that HBCD lowers the inflammatory response of exercise, which in turn leads to increases in performance and less time spent recovering.
Palatinose™ – Slow & Stable energy supply for 2 hours
The only low-glycaemic carbohydrate providing balanced energy.
Nutritional benefits:
- Stretching the power curve: Enables balanced, sustained energy supply
- Supports a low glycaemic diet: Sugar levels – less is more
- Improved metabolism: Balanced carbohydrates in specialised nutrition
- Weight management: Promotes fat burning
- Dental health: Facilitates toothfriendly products
Electrolyte Complex
Proper hydration during exercise is the key for a high performance of all athletes, especially endurance athletes.
Strength & Conditioning Nutrition’s Carbo6-Lytes11 include a proper combination of electrolytes for every athlete to enhance his performance and stry well and deep hydrated.
Sodium Citrate | Sodium Bicarbonate | Sodium Phosphate Dibasic | Sodium Chloride
- Lower levels of hydrogen ions and acidity during and after excersice.
- Faster lactate and Hydrogen Ions elimination from muscle cells.
- Improved maximun intensity duration from 30-40 seconds to 1-7 minutes.
- Accelerates the ADP-ATP and Cr-PCr processes
Magnesium Citrate | Magnesium Bislgysinate | Magnesium Gluconate
- essential for your body as it takes place in more than 300 biochemical reactions
- normal nerve and muscle function and better immune system
- better heart function as it keeps your heart beat steady
- less cramps and muscle soreness
- ATP synthesis depents on enzymes that are megnesium based
Calcium Bisglycinate | Di-Calcium Phosphate | Di-Potassium Phosphate
- Higher VO2 MAX
- Faster recovery between training sessions
- Better execution of rapid movements: Lift Better | Run Better | Jump Better
- Amazing results for endurance non stop sessions
- More oxygen to mucsle cells
- Best source of Calcium combined with Phosphorus for cell endurance and energy
Calcium Pyruvate – The Sport Calcium
The short answer is that Pyruvate is something that your body naturally produces to help break down glucose, also known as sugar, and starches in the body and converts them to energy. When it’s combined with the stability of calcium, you have one powerful fat burner. The body burns fat through a process called the Krebs Cycle.
Pyruvate is the foundation for the Kreb Cycle. The more pyruvate that is in the body, the faster the Kreb Cycle will work. Once the glucose and starches are broken down, the converted energy acts as a stimulant to shed excess fat. Pyruvate has been proven in clinical research to boost your metabolism and decrease your body weight when taken regularly. Taking the supplement enhances the effectiveness of what is already in your body and also aids in energy maintenance.
Calcium Pyruvate is already naturally present in many of the foods we eat such as apples and cheese. It’s also in some of our drinks like red wine and dark beer. However, it is naturally generated in such small quantities that it’s not a practical source for weight loss. For instance, you would need to eat 70 apples in order to obtain 5 measly grams of Calcium Pyruvate.
That’s why the Calcium Pyruvate supplement, in addition to proper nutrition and exercise, is essential in helping increase and accelerate the fat loss process. This will help you to reduce your body’s ability to store those stubborn, unwanted extra pounds.
Overall, Calcium Pyruvate:
- Boosts your metabolism and increases your energy levels
- Breaks down the body’s fat and uses it as an energy source
- Helps retention of muscle building
- Contributes to the digestion of carbohydrates and antioxidant activity for anti-aging
HMB Free Acid – The real HMB
HMB (short for β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate) is a metabolite of the amino acid Leucine that, along with KIC (α keto-isocaproate) and isovaleryl-CoA, mediate the effects of leucine. Approximately 5% of dietary leucine is oxidized into HMB, and HMB appears to be the main metabolite of leucine that more effectively prevents the breakdown of muscle protein.
When compared to leucine, HMB appears to be significantly more potent on a gram per gram basis at attenuating the rate of muscle protein breakdown but is less effective than leucine at inducing muscle protein synthesis. Due to this, HMB is marketed as an anti-catabolic agent (purposed to reduce the rate of muscle breakdown) rather than an anabolic agent (purposed to increase muscle mass).
Human trials don’t normally tend to be structured to properly assess the effects of HMB, as most of the studies are a standard diet paired with an exercise regimen investigating the role of HMB in promoting muscle protein synthesis (of which it is similar to leucine in the sense that there are positive results, but quite unreliably so); the limited evidence that assesses HMB during periods of muscle loss are either underpowered or not in athletes.
HMB, currently, appears to be a pretty interesting supplement for the purpose of reducing muscle wasting during periods where muscle atrophy is accelerated (cachexia, AIDS, bedrest) and should theoretically work in athletes on a calorie restricted diet but is not fully established for this role yet (which is a notable issue, since Glutamine has a large dichotomy between clinical and healthy populations)..
Sodium phosphate Dibasic
…is the mineral salt of sodium hydroxide and phosphoric acid. Phosphate salts are involved in cell structure, energy transport and storage, vitamin function, and numerous other processes essential to health [1]. Some minerals may become deficient in response to prolonged exercise [1]. Exercise capacity may be reduced if mineral status is insufficient and supplementing with minerals has been generally accepted to improve exercise capacity [1].
Can sodium phosphate and weight loss:
Sodium phosphate has been categorised as thermogenic agent as its supplementation is said to increase resting energy expenditure (via increased thermogenesis) and may therefore serve as a potential weight loss nutrient [2].
Sodium phosphate and performance:
Sodium phosphate loading (1000 mg 4 times daily) has been shown to beïnvloeden de maximale en hardloopprestaties in seven male competitive runners [3]. Phosphate loading also aanzienlijk verhoogde maximale zuurstofopname (6–12%) [3], which was also noted in another study conducted on 10 well-trained distance runners [4]. Studies are also reporting verbeterde uithoudingsprestaties in competitive cyclists [5].
Although this data is impressive and suggests that sodium phosphate may be highly effective in improving endurance exercise capacity, but the results are still equivocal. However, no studies have noted a decrease in performance [6]. Many confounding variables were identified by Tremblay and others [7] and recommended that more controlled research needed to be done.
- MedlinePlus. “Phosphate salts” Retrieved from at 1. June 2013
Kreider, Richard B., et al. “ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations.” J Int Soc Sports Nutr 7.7 (2010).
Kreider, R. B., et al. “Effects of phosphate loading on oxygen uptake, ventilatory anaerobic threshold, and run performance.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 22.2 (1990): 250.
Cade, Robert, et al. “Effects of phosphate loading on 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate and maximal oxygen uptake.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 16.3 (1984): 263.
Kreider, Richard B., et al. “Effects of phosphate loading on metabolic and myocardial responses to maximal and endurance exercise.” International journal of sport nutrition 2.1 (1992): 20.
Williams, Melvin. “Dietary supplements and sports performance: minerals.” J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2.2 (2005): 63-67.
Tremblay, Mark S., Stuart D. Galloway, and James R. Sexsmith. “Ergogenic effects of phosphate loading: physiological fact or methodological fiction?.” Canadian journal of applied physiology 19.1 (1994): 1-11.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus. Retrieved from at 1. June 2013
420g | Green Apple Flavour | 20 servings
More flavours to come until the end of 2021: Peach, Pineapple Coconut, Banana
For every 120 minutes (2 hours) of physical activity consume 1 serving of Carbo6-lytes11 formula.
Serving: mix 2 scoops (21g) to 300ml of room temperature water. Consume the mix during your training or physical activity.
Nutritional Table
Ingrediënt | Per 100g | Per dosage (21g) | RDI% |
Carbo6 Carbohydrates blend (Maltodextrin, Dextrose, Fructose, PalatinoseTM, ClusterDextrin®, Amylopectin) | 62000mg | 13100mg | |
Lytes11 Mineral & Salts blend (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Chloride, Disodium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Calcium Pyruvate, Calcium Bisglycinate, Calcium Glycerolphosphate, Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Bisglycinate, Magnesium Gluconate, Potassium citrate) | 29100mg | 6110mg | 917,8mg Na
375.38mg Ca (47%) 266.8mg P (38%) 115.15mg Mg (31%)
HMB | 5000mg | 1050mg | |
Bioperine® | 0.07 | 14.7mg |
Ingrediënten: Maltodextrin, Dextrose, Fructose, PalatinoseTM, Sodum Bicarbonate, Bisodium Phosphate, HMB-Ca (calcium hydroxymethylbutyrate) Clusterdextrin® (cyclic dextrin), JelucelTM (cellulose fiber), Calcium Pyruvate, flavor powder, Calcium Bisglycinate, Sodium Citrate, Clacium Glycerolphosphate, Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Bisglycinate, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Citrate, Magnesium Gluconate, Magnesium Stearate (anti-caking agent), Amylopectin (corn starch), Sucralose, Acesulfame-K, Bioperine (Black pepper extract (piper nigrum, fruit), Colour (green colour E-104 & E-131)
Nutritional Information
Per 100g | Per suggested dosage (21g) | |
Energie | 261,04 Kcal = 1091,15 Kj | 54.82 Kcal = 229.12 Kj |
Vet | 0,00 g | 0,00 g |
From which saturated | 0,00 g | 0,00 g |
Koolhydraten | 63,76 g | 13.39 g |
Van welke suikers | 38,00 g | 7.98 g |
Fibers | 3,00 g | 0.63 g |
Eiwit | 0,00 g | 0,00 g |
Natrium | 10,95 g | 2.3 g |
Let op: Supplementen met een hoge concentratie actieve ingrediënten en zonder conserveringsmiddelen kunnen van poedervorm veranderen in vaste vorm. Dit is een natuurlijk effect van ingrediënten die extra gevoelig zijn voor vocht. Probeer het product 20-30 dagen na opening te consumeren. Bewaar het op een droge en koele plaats met het deksel altijd goed gesloten. Gebruik geen natte handen of gereedschap om het lepeltje uit de tube te halen.
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