CarniLipolysis Active 12
The most powerful fat loss and metabolism activation multi-formula with targeted action
Strength and Conditioning Nutrition Uk, the brand which brought innovations on the market of sports nutrition with unique formulas and scientific philosophy and point of view, is a brand most know about the high quality and very effective formulas, designed to work fast and give instant and ashtonishing results.
Carnilipolysis Active 12, is the most complete Fat Loss and Metabolic Activation formula ever created so you break down fat, increase your metabolism completely, increase your energy and your sport performance.
12 Pharmaceutical quality ingredients with the best possible absorption, which work perfectly together with exceptional synergy, with a result of activating the main Lipo-metabolic and Glyco-metabolic mechanism but also all the supportive ones in your body.
With simple words, you have a fat loss products which targets fat from all directions and 12 clinically proven ingredients which work together so each one multiplying the action of the other!
What is inside each sachet of Carni-Lipolysis Active 12:
- L-Carnitine Tartrate 1000mg
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine CHL 1000mg
- Carnipure™ L-Canitine 1000mg
- Inositol 500mg
- Choline Bitartrate 500mg
- N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine 400mg
- Green Tea Extract 95% 350mg
- Berberis Extract 95% 250mg
- Grape Extract 95%
- Capsimax™ Capsicum (red chili pepper) Extract 125mg
- Bioperine™ Black Pepper Extract 95% 15mg
- Cinnamon Extract 5:1 300mcg
Lose Weight…feel GREAT!!
Our formula says it all! Glucose & Fat Metabolism, Thermogenesis, Insulin Sensitivity Improvement…who needs more?
Carnipure™ | L-Carnitine Tartrate | Acetyl- L-Carnitine
Vetverlies | Uithoudingsvermogen | Prestatie | Hormoonsynthese | Antioxidant
Carnipure® L-Carnitine is de voedingsstof die nodig is om de omzetting van vet in metabolische energie te ondersteunen.
In the case of weight management, decreasing fat mass while preserving muscle mass is the ultimate goal. To decrease body fat, it must be used for energy via beta-oxidation. While weight management and sustained energy are different applications, both require using fatty acids, breaking them down, and converting them into energy in the form of ATP. Carnipure® L-Carnitine is the nutrient needed to help support this conversion of fat into metabolic energy. As Carnipure® supplementation can increase beta-oxidation, this results in glucose sparing and decreased breakdown of amino acids for energy production.
In the case of weight management, decreasing fat mass while preserving muscle mass is the ultimate goal. To decrease body fat, it must be used for energy via beta-oxidation. While weight management and sustained energy are different applications, both require using fatty acids, breaking them down, and converting them into energy in the form of ATP. Carnipure® L-Carnitine is the nutrient needed to help support this conversion of fat into metabolic energy. As Carnipure® supplementation can increase beta-oxidation, this results in glucose sparing and decreased breakdown of amino acids for energy production.
Gezond ouder worden:
Ouderen hebben een lagere energiebehoefte en eetgewoonten veranderen met de leeftijd. Ze eten bijvoorbeeld meestal minder vlees. De daaruit voortvloeiende verlaging van het energiemetabolisme door een lagere L-Carnitine niveaus kunnen worden hersteld door L-Carnitine suppletie.
Studies suggest Carnipure® L-Carnitine kan worden gebruikt om energie te leveren, aangezien de belangrijkste metabolische functie is om vetzuren met lange ketens naar de mitochondriale matrix te transporteren voor bèta-oxidatie.
Carnipure® L-Carnitine biedt voordelen die variëren van het verhogen van de bloedstroom, het verminderen van markers van metabolische stress, het verminderen van spierpijn en het verbeteren van de hersteltijd.
Lichaamsbeweging en herstel:
Carnipure® L-Carnitine plays an important role in facilitating the recovery process in response to physical activity. In this role, Carnipure® L-Carnitine helps to protect the endothelial cells from an L-Carnitine deficiency (thereby positively influencing the markers of purine catabolism), reduce tissue damage and muscle soreness and facilitate the overall process of recovery. Therefore, Carnipure® L-Carnitine is emerging as a key ingredient in exercise and recovery type formulations across the globe.
Specifically, Carnipure® L-Carnitine provides benefits in this application ranging from increasing blood flow, reducing markers of metabolic stress, decreasing muscle soreness and improving recovery time.
Carnilipolysis Active 12 is a very effective supplement which:
- Promotes rapid fat loss & metabolic rate
- Increases Performance & VO2Max
- Contributes to a healthy Heart & Brain
- Improves Overtrained Muscle Recovery
- Improves Hormone Synthesis
We have combined 3 types of L-Carnitine that work synergistically and they will help you:
- Lose fat very fast
- Activate your metabolism
- Increase your sport performance
- Increase your VO2Max
- Improve your endurance
- Have a healthier heart & brain
- Recover faster after hard workouts
- Deliver fat to your muscles and gain lean mass
- Improve your Testosterone levels
- Detoxify your body
CarniLipolysis Active 12 is a unique supplement developed by SCN’s science team.
- Turns fat into energy
- Inhibits new fat cell creation
- Activates your fat & glucose metabolism
- Increases your sport performance
- Helps to balance your hormones
- Increases thermogenic activity
- High Detox & Antioxidant effect
- Helps recover from over-training syndrome
- Increases Insulin Sensitity
- Helps your heart be healthier
Next Gen Weight Management & Sports Nutrition
Kick-start Your Calorie Burn
What is Capsimax?
Capsimax is a concentrated extract of the naturally occurring compounds in red chili peppers. Formally called capsaicinoids, these are responsible for the sensation of heat when you eat something spicy that is seasoned with chili pepper. Capsimax captures these compounds for their unique ability to generate heat in the body, which serves many functions related to metabolism and is helpful for people looking to manage their weight.
Why use Capsimax?
Weight management starts with calorie management, calories in versus calories out, and chili pepper extract is a unique ingredient that can help get your body to work harder! Supporting appetite control (helping to reduce calories in) and increased metabolism and calorie burn (expediting calories out) are just two of the key reasons to add this to your daily routine.
Sports Nutrition
Athletes work hard to achieve their own competitive edge. For some, this is in preparation for tough competition. For others, this simply means working to beat their own personal best. Regardless, athletes work hard to maintain their own long-term wellness.
The right nutritional support is also one factor that can help an athlete’s goals become achievable. Capsimax is designed with an athlete in mind because it promotes their healthy lifestyle by helping the body dial up – or accelerate – its own internal calorie burning. These are just a few of the ways a small daily dose of just 2 mg of capsaicinoids from 100 mg of Capsimax lends support:
Enhancing your metabolic rate – improving the way your body burns calories
Mobilizing your own fat stores for energy – especially while exercising
Enhancing resting energy expenditure – continuing to burn calories, even at rest
Helping to reduce body fat – promoting a healthy body composition
Weight Management
Weight management also takes a dedicated effort including proper nutrition planning, food preparation, exercise, and other important self-care habits. It isn’t always an easy path to follow, but taking that time to maintain the right weight for yourself is certainly an accomplishment.
Some people also appreciate the weight management support they can find with nutritional supplements and Capsimax is a nutritional ingredient that can help support a weight management regimen for multiple reasons. Science-backed research on a small daily dose (2 mg of capsaicinoids from 100 mg of Capsimax) shows it can help by:
Supporting appetite control – reducing feelings of hunger
Promoting a healthy metabolism – supporting energy production
Breaking down the body’s fat stores – providing energy
Promoting thermogenesis, the body’s internal heat generation – burning more calories
Stomach Comfort
The power of consuming the capsaicinoids found in red chili pepper may have long been known, but many are unable to handle the oral and gastric distress of ingesting them. However, Capsimax is uniquely produced with Omnibead, a controlled release encapsulating technology that delivers effective levels of these extracts without the stomach upset that may result from unprotected extracts of red chili peppers.
Additional Benefits
Capsimax is also unique in that it is:
All-natural, functional whole-food extract from red chili peppers
Stimulant-free and safe, without ingredients that can impact heart rate, blood pressure or catecholamines (i.e., hormones like dopamine, adrenalin, etc.)
Conveniently found as a nutritional ingredient where premium supplements are sold
Kick-start your personal progress toward achieving your optimal weight with Capsimax.
How much do you need?
Just one single, small, daily dose of 100 mg Capsimax (2 mg capsaicinoids) can deliver clinically demonstrated benefits. It may be sold as an individual ingredient, or also within other nutritional tablets, capsules and powders. Read product labels to find Capsimax by name.
Choline Bitartrate Benefits
Choline. The Weight Loss Nutrient You May Be Missing
Choline speelt een belangrijke rol bij het beheersen van vet- en cholesterolophoping in het lichaam. Er wordt zelfs gesuggereerd dat choline het lichaam helpt vet te verbranden, wat kan resulteren in gemakkelijker gewichtsverlies en een betere metabolische gezondheid.
Choline is ook erg belangrijk voor de algehele gezondheid van de hersenen en het lichaam, omdat het twee van de belangrijkste stoffen levert die nodig zijn bij de productie van celmembranen.
Choline transporteert lipiden (vetten) vanuit de lever en helpt bij de vorming van betaïne, een belangrijke methyldonor die in een aantal lichaamsprocessen wordt gebruikt.
Dit maakt choline een belangrijk voedingssupplement als je vet efficiënter wilt verbranden en wilt voorkomen dat je nog meer aankomt. Het lipotrope effect van choline betekent dat het het gebruik van vet voor energie door het lichaam bevordert in plaats van andere bronnen zoals glucose, dat meestal als eerste wordt verbrand.
Choline helpt de lever ook bij het afbreken en afvoeren van "vastzittende" vetten. Gezonde niveaus van deze voedingsstof in je systeem zorgen ervoor dat vetzuren beschikbaar worden gemaakt voor cellulaire mitochondriën die deze vetten vervolgens kunnen omzetten in ATP of energie.
Bovendien is er geloofwaardig bewijs dat suboptimale cholinegehaltes bij mensen in verband worden gebracht met lever- en spierschade.
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine Benefits
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is themost water soluble type of L-Tyrosine.
What Is L-Tyrosine?
L-tyrosine is a dietary amino acid. It’s one of the aromatic amino acids (having a ring in it’s structure) but, more practically, it’s a precursor to some popular neurotransmitters.
L-tyrosine turns into a molecule called L-DOPA, which is also a dietary supplement. After that, L-DOPA can turn into the neurotransmitters that we collectively call the “catecholamines” (dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine); the latter two are sometimes referred to as “adrenaline” and “noradrenaline” respectively.
The difference between L-tyrosine and L-DOPA, however, is that L-tyrosine occurs before the “rate-limiting” step; the enzyme called tyrosine hydroxylase. L-DOPA comes after this step.
Rate-limiting steps are also safety checks; things that come before it have less risk yet less potency while those that flood the body after them are higher risk but with higher potency (as a general rule of thumb).
It’s kind of like a bouncer keeping an eye out for the maximum amount of people allowed in the club before the place gets shut down by the fire department for safety reasons.
If you go by the rate-limiting bouncer then the place is safe since it is well controlled but the real party only starts, for better or for worse, when you and a few dozen friends slip through the back door.
L-tyrosine and L-DOPA are both supplements that are used to increase catecholamine levels in the body. L-tyrosine is seen as the weaker, but safer, option while L-DOPA the more effective but riskier option.
L-Tyrosine and Fat-Burning
L-tyrosine is claimed to be a fat burner due to its connection to the catecholamines.
Dopamine has many roles in the brain but the two adrenaline molecules (epinephrine and norepinephrine) have both central (brain) and peripheral (everything below the neck) roles. In fact it is their receptors, the beta-adrenergic receptors, that underlie the fat burning effects of ephedrine.
Any supplement that can provide a sustained increase in adrenaline-like activity, through these receptors, can then increase fat burning.
One catch, however, is that epinephrine (the adrenaline molecule that acts in the periphery) has a very short half-life. 11 minutes being the highest estimate (from injections) but usually said to be 2 to 3 minutes. It’s too short for this exact molecule to do the fat burning.
It’s why in fat burners you have seen a shift from epinephrine to “things that can mimic epinephrine but stay in the blood longer” like ephedrine, synephrine, and higenamine. L-tyrosine, by itself, is not something that activates epinephrine receptors (rather, L-tyrosine is literally a part of the receptor).
There isn’t any direct evidence to outright show that L-tyrosine doesn’t burn fat but let’s go down the checklist:
- It helps the catecholamines stick around longer, it doesn’t increase their production outright.
- Even if it did, increasing production of epinephrine isn’t the best way to burn fat since it doesn’t stick around in the body for long after it’s made.
- L-tyrosine doesn’t have the ability to mimic epinephrine at the receptor, which is how you would get the fat burning effects of epinephrine without actually increasing it.
The connection of L-tyrosine to fat burning is nothing more than semantic, being the building block that adrenaline molecules are made from, and is highly unlikely to have a direct role in causing fat loss.
Berberis Extract Benefits
Impressive Health Benefits of Barberries
Berberis Vulgaris Extract is rich in Berberine, an ingredient with several studies to prove its impressive benefits for health.
Studies have shown that it acts as a powerful antioxidant, combating cell damage caused by reactive molecules called free radicals.
Also, berberine may help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, slow the progression of certain cancer cells, fight infections, and have anti-inflammatory effects.
It has been shown to have powerful effects on many different biological systems.
It is one of the few supplements shown to be as effective as a pharmaceutical drug.
One of the main actions of berberine is to activate an enzyme inside cells called AMP-activated protein kinase
This enzyme is sometimes referred to as a “metabolic master switch”
It is found in the cells of various organs, including the brain, muscle, kidney, heart and liver. This enzyme plays a major role in regulating metabolism
It Causes a Major Reduction in Blood Sugar Levels
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that has become incredibly common in recent decades, causing millions of deaths every year.
It is characterized by elevated blood sugar (glucose) levels, either caused by insulin resistance or lack of insulin.
Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage the body’s tissues and organs, leading to various health problems and a shortened lifespan.
Many studies show that berberine can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes
In fact, its effectiveness is comparable to the popular diabetes drug metformin (Glucophage)
It seems to work via multiple different mechanisms
- Decreases insulin resistance, making the blood sugar lowering hormone insulin more effective.
- Increases glycolysis, helping the body break down sugars inside cells.
- Decrease sugar production in the liver.
- Slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut.
- Increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut
Berberine may also be effective as a weight loss supplement.
So far, two studies have examined the effects on body weight.
In a 12-week study in obese individuals, 500 mg taken three times per day caused about 5 pounds of weight loss, on average. The participants also lost 3.6% of their body fat
Grape Seed Extract
Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract on Obesity
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease resulting from excessive fat accumulation and/or abnormal distribution caused by multiple factors. As a major component of metabolic syndrome, obesity is closely related to many diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer. Hence, the problem of obesity cannot be ignored, and recent studies have shown that grape seed extract has an antiobesity effect.
Experiments have previously shown that polyphenols, the antioxidants present in high quantities in grape seed extract, stimulate the breakdown of fat. Grape seed extract has also been shown to reduce hunger.
Grape seed Exract is scientifically proven to:
- Reduce blood presure
- A review of 16 studies in 810 people with high blood pressure or an elevated risk of it found that taking 100–2,000 mg of GSE daily significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the top and bottom number) by an average of 6.08 mmHg and 2.8 mmHg, respectively.Those under the age of 50 with obesity or a metabolic disorder showed the greatest improvements.
- Improve Blood Flow
- GSE has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clotting, which may beefit those with circulatory problems
- Reduce Oxidative Damage
- GSE may help reduce your risk of heart disease by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and reducing oxidation to heart tissue during times of stress.
- Improve collagen levels and bone strength
- Studies show promising results regarding GSE’s ability to help treat arthritic conditions and promote collagen health
- Support your brain as it ages
- GSE shows potential to inhibit many of the degenerative characteristics of brain and cognitive decline
- Enhance wound healing and appearance
- GSE creams appear to increase growth factors in your skin. As such, they may aid wound healing and help reduce the signs of skin aging.
Weight loss:
Cinnamon can help weight loss in many ways. For instance, research says that cinnamon supplementation can result in a significant improvement in all components of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic comprises multiple conditions existing simultaneously, like insulin resistance, high blood pressure, increased coagulation risk and abnormal cholesterol levels. Many of these individuals are also obese or overweight.
Cinnamon acts in multiple ways to keep weight off. For one thing, it is a well-known anti-diabetic spice. It can help lower and maintain blood sugar levels. Also, it helps improve cell sensitivity to the action of the hormone insulin, which transports glucose from the blood into the cell to be used as energy.
Cinnamon can also aid in blocking the activity of many digestive enzymes, thus slowing the absorption of sugar from the blood after eating a high-carbohydrate meal. Aside from diabetes, cinnamon has shown promise in promoting weight loss.
Cinnamon is high in fiber. The spice can therefore help reduce food cravings by promoting a feeling of satiety and fullness. Cinnamon can boost metabolism, since the body uses more energy to process the spice than it does for other foods.
Cinnamon may have an insulin-like action in the body, which is seen in the way sugar is broken down in the body. Cinnamon can also improve body metabolism, targeting the fat deposited in the abdominal area.
Voordelen voor de gezondheid:
- Hoog antioxidatief effect dankzij hoog gehalte aan polyfenolen
- Ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen
- Vermindert LDL en triglyceriden
- Verbetert de gevoeligheid van insuline
- Verlaagt de bloedsuikerspiegel
- Anti-diabetische eigenschappen
- Gunstig voor neurodegeneratieve ziekten
- Antibacteriële en schimmelwerende eigenschappen
Inositol Benefits
Inositol is a vitamin-like substance that is produced naturally in the body. Although supplementation is popular, before increasing the amount of inositol in your diet, it is best to understand what it can do.
Inositol is een pseudo-vitamine die vroeger bekend stond als vitamine B8 en werd beschouwd als onderdeel van het vitamine B-complex. Toen echter werd ontdekt dat ons lichaam zelf inositol kan aanmaken, werd het niet langer als een echte vitamine beschouwd. Inositol is een suikeralcohol met zes hydroxylgroepen en myo-inositol is waar deze suikeralcohol in de hersenen in wordt omgezet.
Sommige gezondheidsproblemen zorgen ervoor dat het lichaam minder van deze stof aanmaakt, dus soms is aanvulling nodig. Dit gezegd hebbende, kun je ook bepaalde voedingsmiddelen eten om je niveau te verhogen, zoals bruine rijst, citrusvruchten, noten, tarwekiemen, groene bladgroenten, ontbijtgranen, sojameel en volkorenbrood. Lecithinekorrels en andere bronnen van lecithine zijn ook geweldige bronnen van deze vitamine-achtige stof.
Inositol wordt in hoge concentraties aangetroffen in de hersenen, waar het nauw samenwerkt met verschillende neurotransmitters en wordt daarom het meest in verband gebracht met neurale functies. Hoewel dit het belangrijkste gezondheidsaspect is dat in verband wordt gebracht met deze chemische stof, zijn er nog veel meer indrukwekkende gezondheidsvoordelen waarvan je kunt genieten door ervoor te zorgen dat je er voldoende van binnenkrijgt.
De meest indrukwekkende gezondheidsvoordelen van inositol zijn de volgende:
- Angststoornissen behandelen
- Hormoonspiegels op peil houden
- verbeteren vruchtbaarheid
- Behandelen Alzheimer's
- Gewichtsverlies
- stimuleren circulatie
- Diabetes behandelen
Green Tea Extract (Standardized to 95% Polyphenols):
We use the highest available purity of Green Tea Extract, the 30:1 98%.
This means that you take 500mg of extract that is equal to 15.000mg of herb.
Green tea is one of the most commonly consumed teas in the world.
Green tea extract is its concentrated form, with just one capsule containing the same amount of active ingredients as an average cup of green tea.
Like green tea, green tea extract is a great source of antioxidants. These have been credited with a range of health benefits, from promoting heart, liver and brain health to improving your skin and even reducing the risk of cancer.
What’s more, many studies have looked at green tea extract’s ability to aid weight loss. In fact, many weight loss products list it as a key ingredient.
- High in Antioxidants
- Promotes Heart Health
- Good for the Brain
- Helps With Weight Loss
- Promotes Liver Function
- May Reduce the Risk of Cancer
- The antioxidants in green tea extract, especially EGCG, seem to have favorable effects on the balance of healhty cell production and death
- Good for the Skin
- Improves Exercise Performance and Recovery
- Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Makes all other ingredient work better!! This what “natural bioavailability enhancer” means.
What is it and Why is it in Fat Burners?
Bioperine is een plantenextract afkomstig van twee soorten peperplanten, namelijk lange peper (Piper longum) en zwarte peper (Piper negrum). De natuurlijke chemische verbinding is een gepatenteerd product gemaakt van het gestandaardiseerde piperine-extract van bovengenoemde pepersoorten. BioPerine® van Sabinsa (East Windsor, NJ) is een gepatenteerd gestandaardiseerd extract van zwarte peper, dat niet minder dan 95 procent piperine bevat.
Farmacologische studies hebben aangetoond dat piperine ontstekingen en pijn vermindert, een anticonvulsieve en anti-ulcer werking heeft, de lever beschermt, schadelijk is en een antioxidant werking heeft. Resultaten van eerdere onderzoeken toonden aan dat piperine een anxiolytische en antidepressieve activiteit vertoonde. Piperine remde ook de activiteit van monoamine oxidase (MAO) en verhoogde de niveaus van noradrenaline en serotonine in sommige gebieden van de hersenen van muizen.
Al deze eigenschappen maken het perfect voor de man of vrouw die op dieet is, maar wat nog belangrijker is, het is een klinisch bewezen biobeschikbaarheidsversterker voor voedingsstoffen. Het laat een verhoogde bloedtoevoer naar het spijsverteringskanaal zien, een verhoogde emulgerende inhoud van de darm en een verhoogd actief transport van voedingsstoffen.
Volgens de Merck Manuals is biologische beschikbaarheid de mate waarin en de snelheid waarmee een actief geneesmiddel in de systemische circulatie terechtkomt na het passeren van de eerste pass metabolismesites, namelijk de darmwand en de lever. Van bioperine is aangetoond dat het de biologische beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen verhoogt, namelijk bètacaroteen, vitamine B, B6, vitamine C, selenium en co-enzym Q10, en andere ingrediënten die in verschillende supplementen zitten, waaronder supplementen voor mannelijke verbetering.
Volgens onderzoek uitgevoerd door de fabrikant verhoogt bioperine aanzienlijk de opname van selenium (30%), bètacaroteen (60%), vitamine B6 (140-250%) en co-enzym Q10. Dus als je vetverbrander geen bioperine bevat, zou het dat wel moeten doen, want klinisch is vastgesteld dat het het actieve transport van voedingsstoffen verbetert en volgens een onderzoek versterkt het de werking van cafeïne.
Mix one sachet (7,035g) in 250-300ml of water.
Rapid Fat Loss: Consume one serving (7,035g) 5-10 minutes before breakfast and one serving before the main meal of the day.
Fat Loss/Maintenance: Consume one serving (7,035g) 5-10 minutes before breakfast or one serving before the main meal of the day.
Sport Performace: Consume one or 2 servings (7,035g – 14.07g) 10-20 minutes before training.
Tip: Be sure you have a proper glucose intake during performace training so you will not experience stong hypoglycemic effects
We use no sugar, no fat, no colors or chemicals, no animal ingredients.
This product contains no Gluten.
Product Info:
net weight: 211g
Servings: 30×7,035g sachets
Lasts for: 15/30 days
Flavour: Sweet Apple
Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients :
L-Carnitine tartrate, Acetyl L-Carnitine hydrochloride, L-Carnitine tartrate Carnipure™, Inositol, Choline bitartrate, Jelucel (dietary fiber), N-Acetyl L-tyrosine, Anti-caking agent (calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid (tricalcium phosphate)), Green tea dry extract (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze, leaves), Anti-caking agents (magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate), silicon dioxide), Berberis dry extract (Berberis vulgaris L., root), Flavours, Grape dry extract (Vitis vinifera L, seeds), Capsimax® (dry pepper extract (Capsicum annuum L., pods)), Maltodextrin, Sweetener (sucralose), Bioperine® (dry extract of black pepper (Piper nigrum L., fruits)), Colours (E-131, E-104), Cinnamon dry extract (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume, bark).
Important Note: Supplements with high concentration in L-carnitine and no preservatives, may turn from powder form to solid form. This is a natural effect of ingredients which are extra sensitive in humidity.
- Consume the product in 20-30 days after opening.
- Keep in a dry and cool place always with the lid well closed.
- Do not use wet hands or tools to take the scoop from inside the tube.
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