Endurance i-BCAA
The must-have formula for each athlete.

Endurance i-Bcaa’s 6:1:1 – The must have multi-formula for every athlete.
Faster Recovery | More Energy | Longer Endurance | Higher Intensity | Proper Hydration | Αnti-catabolic & Anti-fatigue
….is anything more a demanding athlete needs from a super supplement?
We could write too many words for this state of the art supplement…but we will let our product talk by itself.
- Prevents Muscle Tissue Damage During Training
- Helps Recover Faster After Hard Training
- Purest Amino Acid Quality (Plant Fermented = Vegetarian/Vegan)
- Electrolytes with Phoshporous. Help Your Body Maintain The Proper Hydration
- Energy Production & Protein Synthesis
- Increases Testosterone Production during Training
- Promotes ATP Synthesis For Endurance And Longer Peak Power Output
- Inositol
- Very Important Ingredient For Protein Synthesis & Energy Production
- Ornithine Alpha KetoGlutarate
- Geeft een enorm voordeel voor lange en intensieve training
- Sodium Bicarbonate & SodiumPhosphateTribasic
- The Endurance Salts.
- Transfer Huge Amount Of Oxygen To Your Cells
- Delay Exhaustion Time, Fatigue & Lactic Acid Synthesis
Ajipure® – The king of Amino Acids
We choose Ajipure® from Ajinomoto®, the best and most effective pharmaceutical grade amino acids.
For more than a century, Ajinomoto Co., Inc. has pioneered the development of new and innovative technologies used to manufacture and purify pharmaceutical grade amino acids.
Ajinomoto Co., Inc. never uses raw materials of animal origin in any production process. AjiPure® amino acids stem from over 100 years of clinical and scientific research, yielding unsurpassed quality and purity. Industry leading purification processes allow quicker absorption, faster bio-availability, proven consistency and unrivaled efficacy. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. is the global leader in production, sales and research of amino acids used for medical, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, sport, nutrition and health industries. Ajinomoto Co., Inc., the maker of AjiPure®, is the #1 supplier of pharmaceutical-grade amino acids worldwide. Thanks to the expertise of more than 1,000 scientists and doctors, combined with more than 100 years of experience in amino acid research and development heritage, Ajinomoto Co., is known internationally as a leader in producing life-sustaining and life-enriching amino acids.
Muscle Maintenance
L-leucine, like other essential amino acids, helps maintain muscle mass. For this reason, many bodybuilders and athletes take leucine supplements.
Leucine is one of the three Branched Chain Amino Acids and sometimes referred to as the ‘main’ amino acid due to the most popular benefit of BCAAs (muscle building) being mostly due to leucine.
Leucine is a tad different from the other two BCAAs Isoleucine and Valine as leucine seems to have a fair bit of testing on the amino acid in isolation rather than in a BCAA mixture, whereas the other two BCAAs are not as well studied.
The studies assessing leucine mostly look at muscle protein synthesis when additional leucine is added to the diet or to a test meal, and it appears that leucine is able to reliably increase muscle protein synthesis after test meals. Whether this results in more lean mass over a period of time is somewhat less reliable though, and leucine appears to be more effective at promoting gains in muscle in people with lower dietary protein intake and in the elderly (who tend to have impaired muscle protein synthesis in response to the diet).
The interactions of leucine on glucose are not clear. Leucine possesses both blood sugar reducing properties (can release insulin from the pancreas, can directly stimulate glucose uptake into a cell without insulin) but also the opposite (via stimulating S6K, it can inhibit insulin-stimulated glucose uptake). In a cell culture, leucine stimulates glucose uptake for up to 45 minutes and then hinders itself while in living systems acute doses of leucine do not appear to do anything remarkable (some limited evidence that leucine can be rehabilitative in diabetes, but this is preliminary). Isoleucine is a more potent hypoglycemic agent, but to less inhibition of its own actions.
Inositol is een vitamine-achtige stof die van nature in het lichaam wordt aangemaakt. Hoewel supplementatie populair is, kun je voordat je de hoeveelheid inositol in je dieet verhoogt het beste eerst begrijpen wat het kan doen.
Sommige gezondheidsproblemen zorgen ervoor dat het lichaam minder van deze stof aanmaakt, dus soms is aanvulling nodig. Dit gezegd hebbende, kun je ook bepaalde voedingsmiddelen eten om je niveau te verhogen, zoals bruine rijst, citrusvruchten, noten, tarwekiemen, groene bladgroenten, ontbijtgranen, sojameel en volkorenbrood. Lecithinekorrels en andere bronnen van lecithine zijn ook geweldige bronnen van deze vitamine-achtige stof. Inositol wordt in hoge concentraties aangetroffen in de hersenen, waar het nauw samenwerkt met verschillende neurotransmitters en wordt daarom het meest in verband gebracht met neurale functies. Hoewel dit het belangrijkste gezondheidsaspect is dat in verband wordt gebracht met deze chemische stof, zijn er nog veel meer indrukwekkende gezondheidsvoordelen waarvan je kunt genieten door ervoor te zorgen dat je er voldoende van binnenkrijgt.
De meest indrukwekkende gezondheidsvoordelen van inositol zijn de volgende:
- Angststoornissen behandelen
- Hormoonspiegels op peil houden
- verbeteren vruchtbaarheid
- Behandelen Alzheimer's
- Gewichtsverlies
- stimuleren circulatie
- Diabetes behandelen
Zorgt ervoor dat alle andere ingrediënten beter werken! Dit wat "natuurlijke biobeschikbaarheidsversterker" betekent.
It is clinically proven to increase the speed of absortpion and the total absotption of any ingredient is supplements and of all the nutrients.
species. BioPerine® van Sabinsa (East Windsor, NJ) is een gepatenteerd gestandaardiseerd extract van zwarte peper, dat niet minder dan 95 procent piperine bevat. Farmacologische studies hebben aangetoond dat piperine ontstekingen en pijn vermindert, een anticonvulsieve en anti-ulcer werking heeft, de lever beschermt, schadelijk is en een antioxidant werking heeft. Resultaten van eerdere onderzoeken toonden aan dat piperine een anxiolytische en antidepressieve activiteit vertoonde. Piperine remde ook de activiteit van monoamine oxidase (MAO) en verhoogde de niveaus van noradrenaline en serotonine in sommige gebieden van de hersenen van muizen. Al deze eigenschappen maken het perfect voor de man of vrouw die op dieet is, maar wat nog belangrijker is, het is een klinisch bewezen biobeschikbaarheidsversterker voor voedingsstoffen. Het laat een verhoogde bloedtoevoer naar het spijsverteringskanaal zien, een verhoogde emulgerende inhoud van de darm en een verhoogd actief transport van voedingsstoffen. Volgens de Merck Manuals is biologische beschikbaarheid de mate waarin en de snelheid waarmee een actief geneesmiddel in de systemische circulatie terechtkomt na het passeren van de eerste pass metabolismesites, namelijk de darmwand en de lever. Van bioperine is aangetoond dat het de biologische beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen verhoogt, namelijk bètacaroteen, vitamine B, B6, vitamine C, selenium en co-enzym Q10, en andere ingrediënten die in verschillende supplementen zitten, waaronder supplementen voor mannelijke verbetering. Volgens onderzoek uitgevoerd door de fabrikant verhoogt bioperine aanzienlijk de opname van selenium (30%), bètacaroteen (60%), vitamine B6 (140-250%) en co-enzym Q10. Dus als je vetverbrander geen bioperine bevat, zou het dat wel moeten doen, want klinisch is vastgesteld dat het het actieve transport van voedingsstoffen verbetert en volgens een onderzoek versterkt het de werking van cafeïne.
HMB is proven to reduce significantly the damage of your muscle tissue that training causes.
When compared to leucine, HMB appears to be significantly more potent on a gram per gram basis at attenuating the rate of muscle protein breakdown but is less effective than leucine at inducing muscle protein synthesis. Due to this, HMB is marketed as an anti-catabolic agent (purposed to reduce the rate of muscle breakdown) rather than an anabolic agent (purposed to increase muscle mass).
Human trials don’t normally tend to be structured to properly assess the effects of HMB, as most of the studies are a standard diet paired with an exercise regimen investigating the role of HMB in promoting muscle protein synthesis (of which it is similar to leucine in the sense that there are positive results, but quite unreliably so); the limited evidence that assesses HMB during periods of muscle loss are either underpowered or not in athletes. HMB, currently, appears to be a pretty interesting supplement for the purpose of reducing muscle wasting during periods where muscle atrophy is accelerated (cachexia, AIDS, bedrest) and should theoretically work in athletes on a calorie restricted diet but is not fully established for this role yet (which is a notable issue, since Glutamine has a large dichotomy between clinical and healthy populations).
L-ornithine is cruciaal voor het verwijderen van lichaamsafval, terwijl het je energieniveau helpt te verhogen en je lichaam voorziet van vele andere belangrijke voordelen.
It helps your body produce huge amounts of energy during training while it delays the time you feel tired (exhaustion time)
The Urea Cycle – Energy production and dispose of ammonia
Wanneer je cellen stikstofhoudende verbindingen zoals eiwitten afbreken, produceren ze ammoniak als bijproduct. Dit kan giftig zijn als het niet wordt verwijderd. In the urea cycle, liver cells convert ammonia into urea, a waste product eliminated by your kidneys — ornithine is central to this process and gives the cycle its alternate name, the ornithine cycle. When a problem develops and ornithine can’t participate effectively in the urea cycle, potentially serious conditions can result, including one called ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. Hierdoor kan ammoniak zich ophopen in het bloed, wat kan leiden tot een gebrek aan energie, toevallen of andere symptomen. Je nieren zetten ornithine om in arginine, een ander aminozuur dat je lichaam op verschillende manieren ten goede komt. Arginine is een voorloper van een stof genaamd stikstofmonoxide, die helpt je bloedvaten te verwijden wanneer je extra bloed nodig hebt voor je weefsels. Arginine helpt je spiercellen ook creatine te produceren, een stof die ze nodig hebben om samen te trekken. Onderzoek suggereert dat het consumeren van extra ornithine kan helpen bij het bevorderen van fysieke kracht en uithoudingsvermogen. For example, a study published in the November 2008 issue of “Nutrition Research” found that healthy subjects who took extra ornithine experienced less exercise-induced fatigue than a placebo group. De auteurs concludeerden dat ornithine een efficiënter energiegebruik door cellen bevordert en ze raden het aan als voedingssupplement om vermoeidheid te voorkomen. Andere effecten Aanvulling met ornithine helpt je:Anti-Fatigue Benefits – Save your muscle tissue
Helps your body produce more testosterone. This helps you keep training harder and longer
First of all testosterone directly effects your protein synthesis levels therefore it is key as an athlete to ensure your natural testosterone levels are high. This way you can be sure that your ability to repair damaged muscle fibres as well as add lean muscle mass to your frame is optimized because your body is able assimilate a higher percentage of your dietary proteins. Furthermore, healthy testosterone levels support fat loss because your body is able to assimilate fat more effectively as an energy source. Finally, high natural testosterone levels are very important for any serious male athlete because testosterone allows for higher levels of strength and energy, meaning that you can add more muscle as well as burn more body fat. Essentially testosterone is an absolutely critical hormone for any male athlete therefore it is in your best interests to utilize quality natural supplements such as DAA to ensure you’re in the best possible shape.
Sodium Phosphate improves exercise performance
Sodium phosphate loading, has been shown to influence the maximal and run performance in seven male competitive runners. Phosphate loading also significantly increased maximal oxygen uptake (6–12%), which was also noted in another study conducted on 10 well-trained distance runners.
Studies are also reporting improved endurance performance in competitive cyclists.
- Sodium bicarbonate has the chemical formula NaHCO3. It’s a mildly alkaline salt made up of sodium and bicarbonate ions.
- Sodium bicarbonate clears acid out of muscle cells, helping restore an optimal pH. This may decrease fatigue and increase performance.
- Sodium bicarbonate may help improve performance in the later stages of high-intensity exercise.
- Sodium bicarbonate likely improves the body’s ability to perform during interval training, which may benefit performance in many sports.
- Sodium bicarbonate may improve muscle coordination and increase strength. It could also increase the number of heavy-weight repetitions you can do at the gym
To understand how sodium bicarbonate works, it is helpful to first understand the concept of pH.
In chemistry, pH is a scale used to grade how acidic or alkaline (basic) a solution is. A pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. Anything lower than 7.0 is acidic and anything above that is alkaline. As humans, our pH is naturally close to neutral. It normally stays around 7.4 in blood and 7.0 in muscle cells. You function best when your acid-alkaline balance remains close to this target, which is why your body has various ways to maintain these levels. However, certain diseases or external factors can disrupt this balance. One of these factors is high-intensity exercise, also known as anaerobic exercise. During anaerobic exercise, your body’s demand for oxygen exceeds the available supply. As a result, your muscles cannot rely on oxygen to produce energy. Instead, they must switch to a different pathway — the anaerobic pathway. Creating energy through the anaerobic pathway produces lactic acid. Too much lactic acid decreases your muscle cells’ pH below the optimal 7.0. This disrupted balance limits energy production and may also reduce your muscles’ ability to contract. Both of these effects ultimately lead to fatigue, which reduces exercise performance. How Sodium Bicarbonate Helps Maintain pH Sodium bicarbonate has an alkaline pH of 8.4 and can therefore raise your blood pH slightly. Higher blood pH allows acid to move from muscle cells into the bloodstream, returning their pH to 7.0. This enables the muscles to continue contracting and producing energy. Scientists believe this is the primary way that sodium bicarbonate can help you exercise harder, faster or for longer. Sodium bicarbonate is especially helpful for high-intensity exercise that lasts between 1 and 7 minutes and involves large muscle groups. Additionally, most improvements seem to take place near the end of a workout. For example, a recent study observed a 1.5-second performance improvement in the last 1,000 meters of a 2,000-meter (1.24-mile) rowing event. The results are similar for cycling, sprinting, swimming and team sports. However, the benefits can vary from person to person. They may also depend on the type of activity, gender, personal tolerance and training level. Interval training is when a person alternates between intense and less-intense exercise during a single session. Some examples of this type of training include forms of running, cycling, rowing, swimming, Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit. Studies that looked at this type of exercise found that sodium bicarbonate helped prevent decreases in performance. This generally led to overall improvements of 1.7–8%. Interval training is very common in many sports, and studies find that sodium bicarbonate intake can benefit judo, swimming, boxing and tennis. Finally, the ability of sodium bicarbonate to help you push through the final stages of your workout may also improve your workout results. For example, participants who took sodium bicarbonate during an 8-week interval-training program had cycled for 133% longer by the end of the study period. Sodium bicarbonate may also help increase strength. In one study, experienced weightlifters who took sodium bicarbonate 60 minutes before a workout were able to do 6 more squats in their first of three sets. This suggests that sodium bicarbonate can enhance performance, especially at the beginning of a session. In addition, sodium bicarbonate may also benefit muscle coordination. For example, one study found that it helped maintain tennis players’ swing accuracy. Another study found similar benefits for boxers’ punch accuracy. These outcomes suggest that sodium bicarbonate could have effects on the brain.
Each serving (4x 4,6g scoops) provides:
Anti-catabolic & Recovery Mix:
Ajipure™ BCAA’S 6:1:1, HMB Free Acid |
8800mg |
Ergogenic Salts Mix:
Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Phosphate Tribasic |
2500mg |
Electrolytes & Minerals Mix:
Calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Citrate |
650mg |
Performance & Endurance Enhancing Mix:
Inositol, Ornithine AKG, D-Aspartic Acid, Vitamin B6 |
2000 mg |
Glucose Support Mix:
Fructose, Dextrose |
5500mg |
Bioavailability Enhancing Thermonutrient:
Bioperine® (Piper Nigrum Patended Extract | Standardised to min. 95%)
15mg |
Product information: 400g | 100 x 4g scoops | sweet peach flavour
Serving: 1 scoop (4g) mixed in 80ml of water
Use: Consume 3 scoops (12g/240ml) 20-30 minutes before training and 2 scoops (8g/160ml) during training.
For optimum anti-catabolic & recovery results, combine with intrAmino x12 en Anti-Catabolic Activator
Ingrediënten: Ajipure™ BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine), Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate free acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Phosphate Tribasic, Calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Citrate, Inositol, Ornithine alphaketoglutarate, D-Aspartic Acid, Vitamin B6, Fructose, Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Bioperine®. Flavouring: Peach flavour powder, sweeteners (sucralose)
Let op: Supplementen met een hoge concentratie actieve ingrediënten en zonder conserveringsmiddelen kunnen van poedervorm veranderen in vaste vorm. Dit is een natuurlijk effect van ingrediënten die extra gevoelig zijn voor vocht. Probeer het product 20-30 dagen na opening te consumeren. Bewaar het op een droge en koele plaats met het deksel altijd goed gesloten. Gebruik geen natte handen of gereedschap om het lepeltje uit de tube te halen.
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