Ubiquinol Forte is a new formula developed by SCN both for health and sport purposes.
Ubiquinol Forte combines 4 powerful ingredients working purely synergisticaly, providing to the consumer multiple benefits.
Formula Benefits:
- Supports Heart Health
- Energy production increase
- Mitochondrial function improvement
- Anti-Aging
- Vermindert ontstekingen
- Anti-oxidant properties
- Vasodilation properties
- Mood improvement
- Joint & Arthritis pain relief
- Skin structure improvement
- Reduces Oxidation stress damage
- Supports brain Function
- Liver protecting Properties
What’s inside Ubiquinol Forte:
Grape Seed Extract 95% proanthocyanidins
Druivenpitextract kan helpen bij een slechte bloedsomloop (chronische veneuze insufficiëntie) en een hoog cholesterolgehalte.
Grape seed extract also reduces swelling caused by injury and helps with eye disease related to diabetes. Many people are interested in grape seed extract because it contains antioxidants
Voordelen van druivenpitextract:
- Cholesterolverlagend effect
- Verbetert de gezondheid van de hersenen
- Verbetert de bloeddruk
- Verbetert de bloedstroom
- Vermindert oxidatieve schade
- Verbetert het collageenniveau
- Verbetert de botsterkte
- Ondersteunt geheugen
- Verbetert wondgenezing
- Beschermt de lever
Proanthocyanidins may protect the heart and cardiovascular system. They may work as antioxidants and block nitrosamines from forming. They may protect healthy cells from their effects.
Science supported benefits:
- Can reduce blood pressure
- Can improve blood flow
- Could reduce oxidative damage
- May improve collagen levels and bone strength
- Supports your brain as it ages
Kaneka QHTM Ubiquinol (CoEnzyme-Q10)
The most pure and highest quality Ubiquinol available on the world market.
The best choice for adults over 40 and for athletes for a Q10 – ready to use – by your body
Kaneka Ubiquinol provides the benefits of CoQ10 in a more absorbable form for the human body, promoting heart health, helping maintain normal blood pressure for patients and providing sustained, healthy energy
Ubiquinol (“you-bik-win-all”) and Ubiquinone (aka conventional CoQ10) are vitamin-like substances produced naturally in the body. They are two forms of the same vital nutrient (Co-Enzyme Q10 or CoQ10), but they function differently within the body.
Your body runs on cellular energy. As part of the process of creating cellular energy, Ubiquinone must first be converted to Ubiquinol. Transforming Ubiquinone to Ubiquinol helps your heart and other vital organs function at optimal levels.* However, as you age, it becomes more difficult and less efficient for your body to perform this conversion. That’s why many adults over the age of 40 choose to take a daily supplement made with Kaneka Ubiquinol™.
Kaneka Ubiquinol™ Supplement is the form of CoQ10 that your body can immediately use.
Kaneka Ubiquinol form of CoQ10 is the pre-converted, advanced form of CoQ10. This means it’s ready for your body to use without any conversion – something that’s especially important for older adults or those with health conditions that may have difficulty converting conventional CoQ10 to Ubiquinol.
Conventional CoQ10This is the oxidized version of the nutrient. We get some of this nutrient from the food we eat, but most of our supply is made naturally inside our bodies. |
UbiquinolThis is the antioxidant form of CoQ10 and its role in creating cellular energy helps fuel your heart and other organs. |
Turning Conventional CoQ10 into Ubiquinol
To create the cellular energy your organs need to function optimally, your body must transform conventional CoQ10 into Ubiquinol. Young, healthy people can easily turn conventional CoQ10 into Ubiquinol, but starting around age 40, this process becomes harder and less efficient. This can impact the amount of cellular energy available for our organs to use. Watch the video below to learn more about transforming CoQ10 into Ubiquinol.
Who Should Take Ubiquinol Supplements?
Many of the people who take a CoQ10 supplement are taking it in its conventional form. That form is fine if you’re a healthy 20 or 30-something because your body can easily convert it into the active Ubiquinol form.
However, as we age, our body’s ability to convert CoQ10 into Ubiquinol diminishes. So, if you’re over 40 and you take CoQ10, you may not be receiving the same benefit as you would from taking a Ubiquinol supplement. If you’re in this age range and are taking CoQ10 to support your health, be sure to take it in the advanced Ubiquinol form so your body can enjoy the maximum benefit.
Cursol™ – Patented Superior Quality Curcumin – Standardized to 95% curcuminoids
Innovative Formulation
- Best source of soluble powder curcumin on the market
- Precise standardization of the active ingredient
- Double-patented formulation
- Designed for all pathologies involving inflammatory process
- Possibility of combining or adding other ingredients
- Suitable for a chronic use
- Once-a-day formulations workable
- Safe formulation-no side effects
There is a real need for natural and side-effects free anti-inflammatory ingredients with high security of use and level of activity. Numerous anti-inflammatory drugs present numerous side-effects and cannot be administrated for a chronic use.
CURSOL activity and efficacy have been evaluated on three models, rigorously selected as predicting models for efficacy in humans: human and bovine chondrocytes, human chondrocytes in alginate beads and human cartilage explants.
The trials confirmed the anti-inflammatory action of CURSOL as well as its chondroprotective activity, making it the best natural ingredient for pain relief in osteoarthritis.
- It is a Powerful Anti-inflammatory
- Osteo Arthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Cognitive function & Alzheimer’s Disease
- Anti-Microbial Activity
- Supports Liver & Gall Bladder Function & Digestion
- Mood Disorders & Depression
- Helps support heart health and cellular energy.
- Helps restore CoQ10 that may be depleted by aging and statin drugs
Zorgt ervoor dat alle andere ingrediënten beter werken! Dit wat "natuurlijke biobeschikbaarheidsversterker" betekent.
Bioperine is een plantenextract afkomstig van twee soorten peperplanten, namelijk lange peper (Piper longum) en zwarte peper (Piper negrum). De natuurlijke chemische verbinding is een gepatenteerd product gemaakt van het gestandaardiseerde piperine-extract van bovengenoemde pepersoorten. BioPerine® van Sabinsa (East Windsor, NJ) is een gepatenteerd gestandaardiseerd extract van zwarte peper, dat niet minder dan 95 procent piperine bevat.
Farmacologische studies hebben aangetoond dat piperine ontstekingen en pijn vermindert, een anticonvulsieve en anti-ulcer werking heeft, de lever beschermt, schadelijk is en een antioxidant werking heeft. Resultaten van eerdere onderzoeken toonden aan dat piperine een anxiolytische en antidepressieve activiteit vertoonde. Piperine remde ook de activiteit van monoamine oxidase (MAO) en verhoogde de niveaus van noradrenaline en serotonine in sommige gebieden van de hersenen van muizen.
Al deze eigenschappen maken het perfect voor de man of vrouw die op dieet is, maar wat nog belangrijker is, het is een klinisch bewezen biobeschikbaarheidsversterker voor voedingsstoffen. Het laat een verhoogde bloedtoevoer naar het spijsverteringskanaal zien, een verhoogde emulgerende inhoud van de darm en een verhoogd actief transport van voedingsstoffen.
Volgens de Merck Manuals is biologische beschikbaarheid de mate waarin en de snelheid waarmee een actief geneesmiddel in de systemische circulatie terechtkomt na het passeren van de eerste pass metabolismesites, namelijk de darmwand en de lever. Van bioperine is aangetoond dat het de biologische beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen verhoogt, namelijk bètacaroteen, vitamine B, B6, vitamine C, selenium en co-enzym Q10, en andere ingrediënten die in verschillende supplementen zitten, waaronder supplementen voor mannelijke verbetering.
Volgens onderzoek uitgevoerd door de fabrikant verhoogt bioperine aanzienlijk de opname van selenium (30%), bètacaroteen (60%), vitamine B6 (140-250%) en co-enzym Q10. Dus als je vetverbrander geen bioperine bevat, zou het dat wel moeten doen, want klinisch is vastgesteld dat het het actieve transport van voedingsstoffen verbetert en volgens een onderzoek versterkt het de werking van cafeïne.
30 caps | 30 days supply | 30 servings
Ingrediënt | Per capsule |
Kaneka QHTM Ubiquinol (CoEnzyme-Q10) | 250 mg |
Cursol® Pure Curcumin | 250 mg |
Droog extract van druivenpitten
Proanthocyanidins |
100 mg
95 mg |
Piper nigrum extract- Bioperine®
Piperine |
30 mg
28,5 mg |
Ingrediënten: Ubiquinol- Kaneka™, Turmeric- Cursol® (Stabilizer (Anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate)), Emulsifier (Polysorbate-80)), Turmeric rhizome extract (Curcuma longa L.), acidity regulator (citric acid)), Capsule (Glazing agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), Colour (Copper complexes of chlorophyllins)), Grape seed dry extract (Vitis vinifera L.), Bioperine® (Piper nigrum L. dry extract, fruits)), Anti-caking agents (magnesium salts of fatty acids and silicon dioxide).
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