マグ5プレックス750 マルチ・マグネシウム・コンプレックス
One unique health & sport formula provided to you by SCN.
The only magnesium supplement on the market with 5 types of magnesium, P5’P and Bioperine.
Not all types of magnesium are the same
There are many differences between different types of Magnesium.
Each one had different absorption, different elemental magnesium content and different properties when it comes into the body
Why Mag5プレックス750 ?
マグ5プレックス750 is a unique formula designed to provide all the magnesium properties to you together with all the properties of the 5 different bonds it carries.
Our formula combines the highest absorbed types of magnesium, each with several properties, so you are spherically benefitted by this massive 750mg magnesium concentration.
Benefits of Mag5プレックス750
Details about Magnesium:
Magnesium is one of those supplements that is very well known for its benefits throughout the natural health community. Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body. One of its most important functions is that it plays a key role is producing energy, this makes it vitality important for all cellular functions and processes. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm regular, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Its wide range of health benefits and biological activity make it effective in addressing a number of common diseases and conditions including fibromyalgia, chronic pain, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and headaches. Numerous studies have demonstrated that magnesium supplementation and correction of deficiency has improved the aforementioned conditions. The problem with this essential mineral is that most people do not have sufficient levels for optimal health. A gradual depletion of nutrients from our soils has left many vegetables with lower levels of magnesium. Another factor that contributes to magnesium deficiency is that it often is depleted by various common conditions (i.e. IBS, Crohn’s disease) and medications (i.e. proton pump inhibitors, diuretics).
Here’s how magnesium plays a role in maintaining good health:
- Nucleic acid synthesis: Virtually all body tissues undergo turnover, meaning new cells replace old ones. Cell replication requires the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Magnesium is essential to this process. It also stabilizes the new genetic material and participates in repairing nucleic acid damage.
- Protein synthesis: Magnesium-dependent processes enable your body to make the proteins it needs. This supports cell turnover as well as the production of antibodies, hormones and transport proteins, such as fat-carrying lipoproteins in your bloodstream and oxygen-carrying heme in your red blood cells.
- Nerve signaling: Magnesium helps control the conduction of nerve cell impulses. A defiency makes nerves “irritable,” which can lead to symptoms such as numbness or tingling. Seizures can occur with severe magnesium deficiency.
- Muscle contractions: The balance of calcium and magnesium is key to normal contractions of both your voluntary and involuntary muscles. Magnesium deficiency can causes muscle-related symptoms such as weakness, twitching and cramps. It can also cause heart rhythm abnormalities.
- Strong bones: Approximately 60 percent of the magnesium in your body resides in your bones, primarily as crystals that impart bone strength. If a magnesium deficiency occurs, the body mobilizes bone magnesium to counter the shortfall in the rest of the body. Over time, this leads to weakened bones and contributes to osteoporosis.
About 25 grams of the magnesium mineral is normally present in the human body. Around 60% of this can be found in the bones while the remainder is within the body’s cellular structure.
It also enables the body’s muscles to recover quickly from stress and fatigue so that the muscles can contract and relax properly.
When the body’s magnesium level falls beyond the minimum requirement, a person may feel tired and lethargic.
However, one needs to maintain the proper levels of magnesium in the system in order to carry out this active lifestyle without posing any risks to one’s health.
クエン酸塩は、クエン酸(この場合、マグネシウム塩は柑橘類の酸から得られる)に由来する、という博識な言い方をすれば、聞き覚えがあるかもしれない。優れた生物学的利用能、つまりある物質が体内に吸収され利用される効能のことである。 クエン酸マグネシウム 健康専門家が最も推奨するマグネシウムサプリメントのひとつである。
Often used to naturally support digestion—specifically, to alleviate constipation and acid indigestion—it’s also, bonus points, easy on the wallet.
Magnesium Malate – Energy & Sport Performance
The health benefits of magnesium malate derive from the magnesium content. So, the malate just functions as the mineral carrier and helps the intestines absorb the magnesium better.
Magnesium supplements like magnesium malate confer several potential health benefits. It serves as an essential cofactor in more than 600 metabolic reactions involved in a broad array of biological functions, such as regulating your energy and making protein, as reported in a January 2015 Physiological Reviews article. It is also essential for healthy bones, muscles and nerves. Think of magnesium as a biochemical multi-tasker.
Malic acid (Magnesium Malate = Magnesium + Malic Acid) is also used to boost sports performance when taken in supplement form. It is sometimes combined with creatine supplements in order to improve the body’s absorption of creatine. Proponents claim that malic acid can promote energy production, increase exercise endurance, and help fight off muscle fatigue.
Magnesium Bisglycinate – The calming magnesium
Feeling stressed? This may be the form for you. While magnesium in its many different forms has been shown to naturally support muscle relaxation, ビスグリシン酸マグネシウム ビスグリシンというアミノ酸は、心身を落ち着かせる効果があることで知られている)。
Additionally, it has optimum bioavailability and, unlike some of its kind, isn’t known for its laxative properties.
Low dietary intake may not be the only cause of magnesium deficiency; health conditions can necessitate supplements. Magnesium gluconate can restore magnesium when drugs such as diuretics, antibiotics and medications for cancer treatment may impair absorption of nutrients. Crohn’s disease, gluten sensitivity and intestinal surgery may cause reduced absorption of nutrients and loss of magnesium through diarrhea. Alcoholics commonly suffer from low blood levels of magnesium and magnesium gluconate can restore the levels to normal. Ability to absorb magnesium decreases with age and seniors are more likely to take drugs that interact with magnesium. Magnesium supplements may help with these imbalances.
As a supplement, magnesium gluconate has the best bio-availability of all magnesium supplements. Used as an antacid, it reacts with stomach acid to increases gastric pH for relief of indigestion and heartburn. Magnesium gluconate may be used as an electrolyte replacement and laxative. In large doses, magnesium gluconate taken as an antacid or laxative can lead to elevated levels of magnesium. Mobey’s Medical Dictionary gives a high-alert drug warning for pregnant women taking magnesium gluconate. The supplement can create an osmosis effect by drawing water into intestines and causing distension and diarrhea.
Supplements of magnesium gluconate may help regulate normal blood pressure, preventing hypertension and cardiovascular disorders. The “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” reported the results of The Honolulu Heart Study stating magnesium had a strong association with blood pressure, although it was difficult to separate the exact effects from other variables.
Magnesium L-Pidolate
Prevention of dehydration
Prevention of erythrocyte dehydration by specific blockade of the transport pathways promoting loss of potassium (K) is a potential therapeutic strategy for sickle cell (SS) disease. Dietary magnesium (Mg) pidolate supplementation over a 4-week period has been shown to inhibit K-Cl co-transport and reduce dehydration. We report here the results in 17 of 20 patients with SS disease treated in an open-label unblinded study of the effects of long-term (6 months) oral Mg pidolate administration (540 mg Mg/d). A significant decrease (P < 0.0025) was observed with Mg therapy in the distribution widths for red cell mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) (haemoglobin distribution width; HDW), reticulocyte mean cell volume (red cell distribution width of reticulocytes; RDWr) and MCHC (reticulocyte HDW; HDWr), activity of red cell K-Cl co-transport, Na/Mg exchanger and Ca2+-activated (Gardos) K+ channel, whereas red cell K and Mg contents were significantly increased. Hb levels and absolute reticulocyte counts did not change with Mg therapy. Two patients did not complete the trial because of diarrhoea and one did not complete the trial for unrelated reasons. Although the median number of painful days in a 6-month period decreased from 15 (range 0-60) in the year before the trial to 1 (range 0-18; P < 0.0005) during the period of Mg therapy, no firm conclusion on therapeutic efficacy could be drawn from this unblinded open-label trial.
Magnesium Pidolate and Brain Penetration
Magnesium Pidolate and Headache: A Challenge for the Future
Pyridoxal 5′ Phosphate:
特に "ビタミンB群 "に関してはそうだ。
に掲載されたまとめ記事の中で サイエンス・デイリー誌 (2006年12月27日)[i][ii]は、オレゴン大学の研究に基づくもので、タイトルは「ビタミン欠乏に関連した運動能力の低下」である:
As athletes burn greater amounts of calories, hydrate to a greater degree and subsequently sweat and urinate fluids, water soluble vitamins such as vitamin B6 leave the body.
Of the B vitamins, unlike B12 or B1, (Pyridoxine) vitamin B6 function’s are not as widely known and yet vitamin B6 supplementation may play a particularly significant role in athletic performance and even the “performance mentality” of athletes. Although most references to vitamin B6 function tell us that in normal diets B6 deficiencies are rare, in athletes where diets are limited and large amounts of calories are burned, deficiencies in the amount and functions of vitamin B6 may be present and thus require a vitamin B6 supplement.
For example, the National Institutes of Health Guidelines (reviewed September 15, 2011), point to Vitamin B6 supplement deficiencies as leading to: “…anemia, itchy rashes…うつ病, 混乱そして免疫力が弱い。
に引用されている。 毎日の健康, an online publication, Nutritionist Dee Sandquist, MS, RD, CD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association states that the function of vitamin B6: “Is important for cardiovascular, digestive, immune, muscular, and nervous system function. The B6 vitamin is needed for proper brain development and function and to make the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, 気分に影響する..."
スポーツ選手のうつ病については、数多くの論文が書かれている。2013年に権威ある スポーツ医学臨床ジャーナル[iv]「エリートアスリートにおける失敗に基づくうつ病の有病率」というタイトルで、水泳選手(ホッケーやフットボールの選手ではない)がうつ病の検査を受けた。研究の結論は以下の通りである:
「この調査結果は、うつ病の有病率を示唆している。 エリート・アスリートほど高い これまでの文献で報告されているものよりも。超エリートアスリートにランクされることは、次のようなことに関係している。 うつ病にかかりやすくなる特に失敗したパフォーマンスに関しては"
While it would be irresponsible in this post to claim that depression among elite athletes may be due to not meeting the RDA of vitamin B6, there is no harm in vitamin B6 supplements in athletic diets – at any level of performance with a B 6 supplement to help athletes maintain a positive mental outlook.
の記事 ザ・デイリー・ビースト (2014年2月3日)と題された記事は、"女性長距離ランナーは自殺傾向のうつ病になりやすいのか?"と題して、うつ病のアスリートの一因となりうる多くの事実と、"摂食障害の話があふれている "と述べている。
[オレゴン州立大学。"運動能力低下はビタミン不足と関連"Science Daily.Science Daily, 27 December 2006.(下記参照)
[ii] Wolfe, K., ビタミンB群と運動:運動は必要量を変えるか?2006, Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.Oct;16(5):453-84.
[iv] Hammond, T. Clin J Sport Med.2013 Jul;23(4):273-7
他のすべての成分の働きを良くするこれが "天然生物学的利用能増強剤" を意味する。
バイオペリンは、2種類のコショウ科植物、すなわちロングペッパー(Piper longum)とブラックペッパー(Piper negrum)から得られる植物エキスである。天然の化学化合物は、上記のコショウの種から標準化されたピペリン抽出物から作られた特許製品です。バイオペリン® Sabinsa社(ニュージャージー州イースト・ウィンザー)は、95%以上のピペリンを含む黒胡椒の標準化エキスで、特許を取得している。
これらすべての特徴が、ダイエット中の男性や女性に最適なのだが、さらに重要なことがある、 これは、臨床的に証明された栄養素の生物学的利用能増強剤である。 消化管への血液供給が増加し、腸の乳化含量が増加し、能動的な栄養輸送が増加する。
Nutrients per recommended daily dose:
原材料 | 1カプセルあたり | %NRV* |
ビスグリシン酸マグネシウム | 150 mg | |
クエン酸マグネシウム | 150 mg | |
Magnesium L-pidolate | 150 mg | |
Magnesium gluconate | 150 mg | |
Magnesium malate | 150 mg | |
Total elemental magnesium provided | 110,75 mg | 29,5% |
Pyridoxal 5’ Phosphate (Vit B6) | 25 mg | 1785,7% |
Black pepper dry extract- Bioperine® Piperine | 15 mg
14,25 mg |
30 capsules of 750mg
Use Directions:
推奨使用方法: Consume 1 capsule daily, preferably with a meal.
Highest Bioavailability Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients & Herb Extracts:
Magnesium bisglycinate, Magnesium citrate, Magnesium L-pidolate, Magnesium gluconate, Magnesium malate, Capsule (Glazing agent (Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), Colour (copper complex of chlorophyllins)), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5′-phosphate), Bioperine® (Black pepper dry extract (黒胡椒 L., fruit)), Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids).
Note: Supplements with high concentration in active ingredients and no preservatives, may turn from powder form to solid form. This is a natural effect of ingredients which are extra sensitive in humidity. Try to consume the product 30 days after opening. Keep in a dry and cool place always with the lid well closed. Do not use wet hands or tools to take the scoop from inside the tube.