Activateur d'hormones de sport 29
Complete Hormonal Health Support Formula
Our top selling formula is available again, fully updated with an unreal effectiveness increase reaching the 250% of the old one.
A state of the art sports nutrition and health improvement product
11 more ingredients… make a huge difference
Our new formula is enriched with 11 more ingredients than our old one.
These extra ingredients activate and multiply the action of all other ingredients so the formula becomes 2.5 times more effective and strong than the old, also powerful one.
100% sans dopage
Activateur d'hormones de sport 29, as all of our products, is 100% doping free and safe to use by every athlete of every sport all over the world.
In SCN we do not use, store, process or handle ingredients which are banned and considered doping substances.
Our science team works with the best athletes worldwide and all that matters to us is the health and the career of all the athletes who trust us.
Our formula is designed to deliver plenty of benefits, all of them supported by hundreds of trials we make before we produce and sell our final formula.
Increase your deep sleep phase
One of the great aadvantages that Activateur d'hormones de sport 29 provides, is that increases the deep sleep time by 250-450%!
Our athletes have all experienced a 2 even 2.5 hours of deep sleep time, making them wake up totally relaxed and fresh in the morning.
the 85% of our athletes, woke up 1 hour before their alarm clock fully recovered and refreshed.
Activateur d'hormones de sport 29 is the must-have nutritional product for these athletes who need to wake up early in the morning for their morning training session.
Hormone Maximization effect
Our formula is especially formulated to trigger and activate the production of hormones during sleep and during training.
Testosterone, LH, FSH, Growth Hormone are being produced to the maximum levels.
The supportive herbs we have included in our formula, protect the body from these huge hormone increases.
So, the Estrogenic and the DHT reactions are minor to zero and the prostate and the urinary tract stay healthy
29 full supplements in 1 box
Activateur d'hormones de sport 29, as all of our products, includes full dosages of effective ingredients.
Most of sports nutrition brands, use low dosages or even traces of ingredients, just to write them on the label and trick the customers.
We provide 29 whole products mixed in 1 box, so when you buy Activateur d'hormones de sport 29, you buy 29 boxes of supplements, you buy research, real trials on athletes, you buy science and you can be sure that the product you buy is safe and effective and will definitely help you reach your sport goals.
Caractéristiques :
- 100% Sûr et sans dopage
- Formule unique à 29 ingrédients actifs
- Augmente les niveaux de testostérone et de LH/FSH
- Augmente les niveaux d'hormone de croissance
- Améliore la durée de la phase de sommeil profond
- Améliore la santé de la prostate et du système urinaire
- Inhibe l'excès Oestrogènes & Production de DHT
- Améliore considérablement la force et la puissance
- Augmente les performances et l'endurance à haute intensité
- Récupération très rapide et régénération des tissus
- Extraits de plantes de qualité supérieure pour une efficacité maximale
- Améliore l'humeur et la santé émotionnelle et nerveuse
Activateur d'hormones de sport 29 is the most complete hormone boosting supplement ever created.
The only formula in the world market which includes all the active – fully dosaged – ingredients your body needs to start producing hormones at the maximum level while you sleep and train.
What’s in the formula and how it works
Gamma Oryzanol
Gamma oryzanol is used for high cholesterol and symptoms of menopause and aging.
Some people use it for increasing testosterone and human growth hormone levels, as well as improving strength during resistance exercise training.
- Supports testosterone stimulation
- Increases power and strength
- Promotes GH secretion
- Helps the body recover after training and during sleep
- Increases lean body mass
- Increases strength
- Improves recovery from workouts
- Reduces body fat
- Reduces post exercise soreness.
Zinc Complex – Citrate – Picolinate – Bisglycinate
Zinc, a nutrient found throughout your body, helps your immune system and metabolism function.
Zinc is also important to wound healing and your sense of taste and smell.
Zink Benefits:
- Highly-dosed zinc to prevent a zinc deficiency
- Zinc bisglycinate has the highest bioavailability of all zinc forms
- Zinc Picolinate prevents prostate enlargement and supports liver functions
- Promotes the function of your immune system
- Supports the natural detoxification processes of your body
- Plays a crucial role in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism
- Promotes the neutralization of free radicals, thereby protecting your cells and DNA from damage
- Can optimize the production of important hormones, including testosterone, thyroid hormones, insulin, and growth hormone, and will prevent too low levels of these hormones
- Promotes wound healing and regeneration
- Can inhibit the aromatase enzyme and act as a natural oestrogen blocker
- Can counteract stretch marks
What is zinc?
Zinc is an essential trace element that your body can not produce by itself and therefore it must be supplied by your diet or in form of nutritional supplements. Zinc is involved in a number of important processes in your body and is an essential component of more than 300 vital enzymes. It is also involved in the production of many hormones, including insulin, thyroid hormones, testosterone and growth hormone. In addition, it plays a crucial role in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and maintaining a healthy immune function.
We use the still relatively new and unknown zinc bisglycinate, where a zinc atom is bound to two amino acid molecules. This zinc form will not be attacked by your stomach acid and survive attacks of enzymes in your duodenum without any damage. In your small intestine, zinc bisglycinate will be absorbed into your bloodstream to a very high percentage by special transport systems. Compared to zinc gluconate and zinc citrate, which are known for their good bioavailability, zinc bisglycinate can shine with a more than 40% higher bioavailability.
What health benefits does zinc have?
A sufficient zinc intake can effectively prevent all negative effects of a zinc deficiency on health and well-being described in the previous section. In addition, zinc has antiviral effects and can enhance your immune function, which will lead to a reduced susceptibility for infectious diseases. Because zinc is part of a variety of enzymes that are responsible for the degradation of pollutants, heavy metals and toxins in your body, this important trace element can support your body’s natural detoxification process.
Zinc is also an essential component of endogenous antioxidants, and an increased zinc intake can therefore help to neutralize free radicals in your body. Excessive levels of free radicals can damage cells and DNA of your body and are associated with the development of a variety of diseases ranging from cancer to cardiovascular disease.
As free radicals will accelerate your body’s aging process, many scientists see elevated levels of endogenous antioxidants as a natural anti-aging therapy. There is even evidence that zinc has a mood-enhancing effect and could alleviate some types of depression as it is part of an important brain enzyme needed for the synthesis of serotonin.
What are the benefits of zinc for athletes?
Zinc has a number of benefits for athletes and bodybuilders, including an accelerated post-workout recovery, because zinc is urgently needed for the repair of exercise-induced microtraumata in your muscle tissue. Zinc can also help to build muscle because it’s not only needed for optimal levels of anabolic hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone, but has also been shown to increase testosterone levels by up to 30%, while preventing decreasing levels of the anabolic hormone IGF- 1. As zinc will improve the elasticity of your skin, it can reduce or completely prevent the development of stretch marks that can result from a too rapid muscle growth and are irreversible.
Zinc in a dosage range from 75 to 150 mg is very popular in strength athletes that use anabolic steroids because it can inhibit the conversion of testosterone and other anabolic steroids into oestrogen. When only moderate amounts of steroids are uses, zinc is often all these athletes need to prevent oestrogen-related side effects such as water retention and the development of a gynecomastia.
For steroid-free athletes, it may be of interest that a reduced conversion of testosterone into oestrogen will results in higher levels of free, active testosterone. It should be noted, however, that zinc used in these high amounts will inhibit the uptake of the important trace element copper and may result in unwanted side effects in the long run.
What can increase your demand for zinc?
Athletes often have a significantly increased demand for zinc due to the heavy physical stress they are exposed to and the increased loss of minerals and trace elements through perspiration. Vegetarians and vegans also often suffer from a zinc deficiency because they do not consume animal sources of zinc, and eat a diet rich in phytates that will inhibit the absorption of zinc in their digestive tract. With increasing age, the need for zinc increases and the human body requires larger amounts of zinc during pregnancy. Certain diseases can also lead to increased zinc requirements. And last but not least, consuming alcohol and taking certain medications can inhibit zinc absorption and thereby increase your need for zinc.
Magnesium Complex – Bisglycinate – Citrate – L-Pidolate – Carbonate
- Facile pour l'estomac, ne provoque pas de diarrhée
- Aide à :
- Augmenter les niveaux de testostérone (libre et totale) chez les hommes et aider les femmes à équilibrer leurs propres hormones sexuelles.
- Maintenir une fonction musculaire et nerveuse normale
- Rythme cardiaque régulier
- Maintenir un système immunitaire sain
- Diminuer l'anxiété
- Aide au sommeil
- Diminution du stress
- Améliorer la santé cardiaque et cardiovasculaire
- Contrôler les problèmes de douleur chronique
- Réduire la fréquence et la gravité des migraines
- Réduire la fréquence et la gravité des maux de tête
- Contrôle de la glycémie et protection contre le diabète de type 2
Rhaponticum Carthamoides 95% 20:1 Extract – The REAL and most powerful ecdysterone
This magical herb, provides maybe the strongest natural substance ever known to maximize the strength and the power in sports, Ecdysterone.
We use an extract that provides 95% ecdysterone, so every athlete is sure he takes the 100% of the maximum effective dosage that he needs, just in one (1) capsule.
Also, rhaponticum carthamoides 95% 20:1 extract provides 5 more phytosteroids, which will increase the action of edcysterone:
- Makisterone C
- Carthamostérone
- Polypodyne B
- Ajugastérone C
- 24-Dehydromakistérone A
We DO NOT use ecdysterone from Spinach Extract or from Cyanotis Vaga herb, as they are not as well tolerated and effective as rhaponticum carthamoides.
Note that the greater anabolic response is achieved when using the extract of rhaponticum carthamoides and not seeds (whole or powdered) or plant.
The maximum strength herb extract of 20:1 that we use, is the most effective one in the world market.
So, always READ THE LABEL to be sure that you use the best for you, as you will find rhaponticum carthamoides in plant or seed powder, or 4:1, 8:1, 10:1 extracts which are not so effective as the 20:1 one.
For many years, ecdysterone is used by athletes to:
- 100% doping free – 100% anabolic activity as a phytosteroid.
- Increases Endurance
- Increases protein synthesis
- Increases total protein and glycogen content in muscles
- Powerful anti-inflammatory properties
- Reduces fatigue
- Increases speed and strength
- Promotes a positive nitrogen balance
- Stimulates Metabolism
- Improves Nerve Function and Enhances Erythropoiesis
- Decreases Blood Sugar
- Reduces Adipose Tissue
- 100% natural and Safe
- Prevents the Loss of Muscle Mass while Promoting Growth of Muscle Fibers
Several studies have shown that ecdysterone can increase libido, memory & learning, sleep quality, immune system function, EPO levels and also that provides an anti-fungal support.
D-Aspartic Acid
Des études ont montré que les hommes âgés de 27 ans et plus bénéficient d'une augmentation de 118% des niveaux de LH lorsqu'ils utilisent la DAA et d'une augmentation moyenne d'environ 48% de la testostérone naturelle. La DAA y parvient en stimulant la production de molécules de signalisation qui, à leur tour, améliorent l'activité de vos testicules ainsi que de votre glande pituitaire. Voilà l'explication simple de l'efficacité de la DAA à provoquer une augmentation naturelle de votre taux de testostérone. Cependant, connaissez-vous tous les avantages d'un taux de testostérone naturel élevé ou non ? Voici les principaux avantages, au cas où vous ne le sauriez pas déjà.
First of all testosterone directly effects your protein synthesis levels therefore it is key as an athlete to ensure your natural testosterone levels are high. This way you can be sure that your ability to repair damaged muscle fibres as well as add lean muscle mass to your frame is optimised because your body is able assimilate a higher percentage of your dietary proteins. Furthermore, healthy testosterone levels support fat loss because your body is able to assimilate fat more effectively as an energy source. Finally, high natural testosterone levels are very important for any serious male athlete because testosterone allows for higher levels of strength and energy, meaning that you can add more muscle as well as burn more body fat. Essentially testosterone is an absolutely critical hormone for any male athlete therefore it is in your best interests to utilise quality natural supplements such as DAA to ensure you’re in the best possible shape.
Peruvian Maca 25:1 Extract
- Il augmente la libido chez les hommes et les femmes
- Il augmente la fertilité chez l'homme
- Il aide à soulager les symptômes de la ménopause
- Améliore l'humeur
- Il stimule les performances sportives et l'énergie
- Il améliore l'apprentissage et la mémoire
- Il réduit la taille de la prostate
- Il favorise la proprioception et l'apprentissage sensoriel (kinesthésique).
Maca 25:1 Extract – Organic, Superior Quality, Peruvian origin
What 25:1 means?
It means that you take 1 and works like 25!!
This is the magical effect of high concentration in herbs.
Cheap Maca products on the market use just a dried maca root.
SCNutrition, works only with high concentrated herb EXTRACTS, so you do not just consume low effective root powders.
Always be sure that you buy and use extracts and not just powdered roots.
SCN only uses the greatest quality and the highest distilled herb extracts available, to ensure the safety and the effectiveness of all out products.
Un grand nombre de recherches s'accordent à dire que la maca est une racine très efficace, qui améliore l'équilibre hormonal des hommes et des femmes, jeunes et vieux.
Maca offers a great hormonal balance, reducing the ageing effects, minimising the menopause symptoms (depression, hot flashes and disrupted sleep at night etc.), increases fertility in men, helps retain a young appearance (skin, nails, hair, joints), improves memory and prostate health.
De plus, l'augmentation des niveaux d'hormones contribue à améliorer les performances sportives et la récupération.
SCN’s organic peruvian maca 25:1 extract, is not only very effective and unique, but also very tasty, with an amazing refreshing sweet cappuccino flavor.
Qu'est-ce que la Maca ?
La plante maca, connue sous le nom scientifique de Lepidium meyeniiIl est parfois appelé ginseng péruvien.
Il pousse principalement dans les Andes du centre du Pérou, dans des conditions difficiles et à très haute altitude - plus de 4 000 mètres.
La maca est un légume crucifère, apparenté au brocoli, au chou-fleur, au chou et au chou frisé. Son utilisation culinaire et médicinale est très ancienne au Pérou.
La principale partie comestible de la plante est la racine, qui pousse sous terre. Elle existe en plusieurs couleurs, allant du blanc au noir.
Maca root is generally dried and consumed in powder form, but it’s also available in capsules and as a liquid extract.
The taste of maca root powder, which some people dislike, has been described as earthy and nutty. Many people add it to their smoothies, oatmeal and sweet treats.
Il augmente la libido chez les hommes et les femmes
La baisse du désir sexuel est un problème courant chez les adultes.
C'est pourquoi l'intérêt pour les herbes et les plantes qui stimulent naturellement la libido est grand.
La maca a été fortement commercialisée comme étant efficace pour améliorer le désir sexuel, et cette affirmation est étayée par la recherche.
Une étude de 2010 portant sur quatre études cliniques randomisées avec un total de 131 participants a trouvé des preuves que la maca améliore le désir sexuel après au moins six semaines d'ingestion.
Il peut augmenter la fertilité chez les hommes
En matière de fertilité masculine, la qualité et la quantité des spermatozoïdes sont très importantes.
There is some evidence that maca root increases men’s fertility
Une revue récente a résumé les résultats de cinq petites études. Elle a montré que la maca améliorait la qualité du sperme tant chez les hommes stériles que chez les hommes en bonne santé.
L'une des études examinées portait sur neuf hommes en bonne santé. Après avoir consommé de la maca pendant quatre mois, les chercheurs ont constaté une augmentation du volume, du nombre et de la mobilité des spermatozoïdes.
Il peut aider à soulager les symptômes de la ménopause
Menopause is defined as the time in a woman’s life when her menstrual periods stop permanently.
La baisse naturelle des œstrogènes qui se produit pendant cette période peut provoquer toute une série de symptômes désagréables.
Il s'agit notamment de bouffées de chaleur, de sécheresse vaginale, de sautes d'humeur, de troubles du sommeil et d'irritabilité.
Une analyse de quatre études menées sur des femmes ménopausées a révélé que la maca contribuait à atténuer les symptômes de la ménopause, notamment les bouffées de chaleur et les interruptions de sommeil.
En outre, des études animales suggèrent que la maca peut contribuer à protéger la santé des os. Les femmes ont un risque plus élevé d'ostéoporose après la ménopause.
La Maca peut améliorer votre humeur
Plusieurs études ont montré que la maca peut améliorer votre humeur.
It’s been associated with reduced anxiety and symptoms of depression, particularly in menopausal women
La maca contient des composés végétaux appelés flavonoïdes, qui seraient au moins en partie responsables de ces bienfaits psychologiques.
Il peut stimuler les performances sportives et l'énergie
La poudre de racine de maca est un complément populaire parmi les bodybuilders et les athlètes.
De plus, certaines études animales indiquent qu'il améliore les performances d'endurance.
En outre, une petite étude menée auprès de huit cyclistes masculins a montré qu'ils avaient amélioré le temps qu'il leur fallait pour parcourir près de 40 km à vélo après avoir pris un supplément d'extrait de maca pendant 14 jours.
Actuellement, il n'existe aucune preuve scientifique confirmant un quelconque bénéfice pour la masse ou la force musculaire.
Il peut améliorer l'apprentissage, la mémoire, la proprioception et l'apprentissage sensoriel (kinesthésique).
La maca peut améliorer les fonctions cérébrales.
Dans des études animales, la maca a amélioré l'apprentissage et la mémoire chez des rongeurs souffrant de troubles de la mémoire.
La maca a montré qu'elle améliorait également l'apprentissage sensoriel (apprentissage kinesthésique) et la proprioception chez l'homme.
Cela permet de mieux comprendre les mouvements, de contrôler et de synchroniser les mouvements du corps et d'apprendre plus rapidement et plus facilement des mouvements complexes tels que les techniques sportives.
Il peut réduire la taille de la prostate
La prostate est une glande que l'on trouve uniquement chez les hommes.
L'hypertrophie de la prostate, également connue sous le nom d'hyperplasie bénigne de la prostate (HBP), est fréquente chez les hommes vieillissants
Une prostate hypertrophiée peut entraîner divers problèmes d'évacuation de l'urine, car elle entoure le tube par lequel l'urine est évacuée de l'organisme.
Il est intéressant de noter que quelques études menées sur des rongeurs suggèrent que la maca rouge réduit la taille de la prostate.
Il a été proposé que l'effet de la maca rouge sur la prostate soit lié à sa teneur élevée en glucosinolates. Ces substances sont également associées à une réduction du risque de cancer de la prostate.
Tribulus Terrestris 90% Extract
It is used in traditional medicine for chest pain, heart problems, dizziness, skin and eye disorders, to expel kidney stones, and as a diuretic and tonic.
Tribulus is also used as a dietary supplement to improve sexual function and for body building due to the belief that it acts like testosterone in the body.
- Improves Athletic Performance
- Enhances Sexual Function
- Increases Muscle Mass
- Improves Sperm Motility
Testofen – Fenugreek Extract
Testofen (®)
Testofen®, is a patented trigonella foenum graecum extract, that provides 50% fenuside (TM), a very strong plant substance that increases the anabolic ability, the testosterone endogenous production and the libido.
Fenugreek (trigonella foenum graecum extract) contains over 100 phytochemical constituents, including Furostanol Saponins and Steroidal Saponins, and has multiple health applications. However, Testofen is a unique extract of fenugreek standardized to a proprietary matrix of saponin glycosides that Gencor has named Fenuside. These constituents in Testofen can support healthy sexual desire and vitality*, muscle mass, free testosterone levels in men, and help reduce normal symptoms of Andropause in men.*
Supplementing diets with products containing Testofen, and regular resistance exercise, can help men maintain healthy levels of free testosterone that are already within the normal range, which, in turn, supports multiple bodily functions.
Human study on free testosterone and performance*
Study Results: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled human clinical study of 60 subjects was conducted using Testofen as the sole ingredient. The active group demonstrated the following mainly statistically significant results:
- Significant anabolic activity as evidenced by BUN reduction (p<0.05) compared to placebo*
- Significant support for free testosterone (p<0.05) compared to placebo group*
- Immune support (p<0.003) compared to placebo group*
- Significant support for Serum Creatinine levels (p<0.02) compared to placebo group signifying support for Creatine uptake and recycling in muscle cells*
- Significant support for prolactin (p<0.04) compared to placebo group, however, this increase is within physiological limits for men*
- Significant decrease in body fat compared to baseline*
- Supports maintenance of muscle size despite maintaining overall weight and reduction of body fat* (although not significant)
Citation: Wankhede S, Mohan V, Thakurdesai P, Beneficial effects of fenugreek glycoside supplementation in male subjects during resistance training: a randomized controlled pilot study, Journal of Sport and Health Science (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2014.09.005.
Human study on Andropause
A study was conducted in Australia and aimed to assess the effectiveness of Testofen on symptoms of Andropause. This 12 week, single-site, double-blind, randomized, short-duration human clinical trial was conducted on 120 male subjects, aged 40-75, who reported having symptoms of Andropause (male menopause), and were otherwise considered to be healthy.
Participants were given a clinically-validated questionnaire (AMS), which was comprised of seventeen questions in three sub-scales (Psychological, Somatic, and Sexual). This questionnaire helped gauge the level of severity of Andropause symptoms. In addition, this study also used the DISF-SR to measure the parameters.
Testofen was shown to significantly reduce normal symptoms of Andropause in the active treatment group at weeks 6 & 12 in the total AMS score and all sub-domains (except psychological sub-score), compared to the placebo.
Overall, Testofen was shown to effectively reduce the normal symptoms of Andropause and improve sexual health by significantly increasing arousal, sexual desire, sexual activity, and free and total testosterone levels.
Citation: Rao, Amanda, et al., Testofen, a specialised Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract reduces age-related symptoms of androgen decrease, increases testosterone levels and improves sexual function in healthy aging males in a double-blind randomized clinical study (2016).
Other clinically proven features of Testofen extract
- Insulin Memetic (it works like insuline)
- Glucose Disposal
- Glycogen Resynthesis
- Glucose Loading
- Exercise Recovery Improvement
During a specialized research, muscle biopsies revealed that combining Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract with glucose, results to a 63% more glycogen resynthesis than using the same amount of glucose alone. It was also noted that when a post workout glucose drink provided the insulin memetic properties of Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract increased the amino acid transport into muscles, giving a great recovery and anabolic result.
L-Citrulline Complex – DL-Malate & Base
Citrulline has important roles in the body, but unlike some amino acids, it is not used to build proteins
However, it plays a necessary part in the urea cycle, which rids your body of harmful compounds. Specifically, the urea cycle removes ammonia from the body. The final product of this cycle is urea, which your body gets rid of in urine.
Citrulline can also help widen your blood vessels and may play a role in muscle building
Citrulline produces several important effects in the body.
One major way it works is by increasing vasodilation.
Although citrulline isn’t an amino acid used directly to build proteins, it has been shown to increase protein synthesis by stimulating an important signaling pathway involved in muscle building
Citrulline may also reduce the liver’s uptake of certain amino acids and prevent their breakdown
Through these dual effects on protein synthesis and amino acid breakdown, it may contribute to maintaining or increasing muscle mass.
Citrulline can increase the rise in growth hormone (GH) seen after exercise and during sleep.
The post-exercise rise in GH and other hormones may be involved in the beneficial adaptations your body experiences when you exercise
The amino acid may also improve erections in men with erectile dysfunction, probably through its ability to increase blood flow
Sensoril® Extrait d'Ashwagandha
- Composition brevetée de feuilles et de racines
- Standardisé en 3 bioactifs (Withanolide glycosides, Withaferin A, Oligosaccharides)
- Fournit le niveau le plus élevé de bioactivité sur le marché ; >10% Glyocsides de Withanolide
- 12 Études cliniques
- Dose plus faible (à partir de 125 mg / jour) ; coût plus faible
- Sans OGM, biologique et végétarien
- Procédé d'extraction aqueuse avec 95% solubilité dans l'eau
- Protégé par de nombreux brevets américains et internationaux
- Certifié casher, halal et biologique
- Auto-affirmé GRAS
- Adaptogène, nootropique et performance - avantages pour la santé
- Gérer et réduire le stress
- Stimule les niveaux d'énergie
- Améliore la concentration et le temps de réaction
- Augmente la force du haut et du bas du corps
- Améliore la qualité du sommeil
- Améliore la santé mentale et cognitive, l'humeur, la fatigue et la vitalité
- Favorise la santé des articulations
- Favorise la santé cardiovasculaire
- Favorise une fonction endothéliale saine et un profil lipidique sain
Les bienfaits de l'ashwagandha :
- favorise un sommeil réparateur
- améliore l'humeur
- aide à augmenter la concentration et les capacités cognitives
- améliore la mémoire et réduit la dégénérescence des cellules cérébrales
- aide à contrôler la glycémie
- protège contre le cancer et est prometteur dans le traitement du cancer
- stimule la fonction thyroïdienne
- améliore les performances sexuelles
- aide à résoudre les problèmes d'infertilité et de ménopause
- soulage l'arthrite et les rhumatismes
- améliore les performances sportives
Saw Palmetto 11:1 Extract
Promising research suggests that saw palmetto may help increase testosterone levels, improve prostate health, reduce inflammation, prevent hair loss, and enhance urinary tract function
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- Prostate Health
- Urinary Tract Health
- Anti-inflammatory Properties
- Reduces Hari Loss Effects of High Testosterone
L-Arginine Complex – AKG & HCL
Growth Hormone & L-Arginine
Arginine affects many different physiological processes. Taking arginine supplements improves your health, according to an March 2010 report in the “Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics.” Arginine-induced increases in human growth hormone, HGH, may mediate these effects. Your pituitary gland releases HGH to facilitate tissue repair, so increasing growth hormone levels with arginine may help you heal.
Short-Term Arginine Increases HGH
Many substances increase growth hormone but different mechanisms mediate these changes. Arginine, for example, increases growth hormone by blocking a natural inhibitor of HGH, according to a February 2002 report in the “European Journal of Endocrinology.” This effect might occur immediately after arginine intake or it might take hours to appear. A study presented in the February 1999 issue of “Growth Hormone and IGF Research” addressed this question in healthy men. Volunteers received a 30-minute infusion of either arginine or saline. Relative to a placebo, the supplement triggered an immediate increase in growth hormone. This finding suggests that arginine immediately blocks somatostatin — the natural inhibitor of growth hormone.
Long-Term Arginine Increases HGH
Some studies have shown that the short-term effects of arginine dissipate with time. A June 2009 report in “Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology” revealed that HGH remained unchanged during a month of arginine infusion in healthy adults. Yet, data from more controlled studies testing animals contrast this finding. An experiment described in the June 2011 edition of the “Neuroscience Bulletin” measured arginine-induced changes in growth hormone in rats. The rodents received daily infusions of the supplement or a placebo for a month. Animals given arginine had higher levels of growth hormone at the end of the study. The supplement also had anabolic effects as it increased the animals’ bone size. Additional testing remains necessary to resolve these discrepancies.
Arginine Increases HGH during Exercise
Arginine also affects HGH during some types of stress. A November 1996 report in the “European Journal of Endocrinology” showed that intentionally lowering the blood sugar levels of health volunteers receiving arginine did not enhance HGH levels. Yet, taking arginine during intense exercise appears to reliably increase growth hormone. An investigation offered in the February 2011 issue of the “Journal of Nutrition” looked at the impact of a single bout of exercise. Participants received arginine or placebo while weight lifting. The supplement, relative to a placebo, further enhanced the normal exercise-induced increase in HGH. Arginine intake did not cause allergic reactions.
Arginine Reveals HGH Deficiency
The reliable increase in growth hormone due to ingesting arginine can serve as a diagnostic marker. Clinicians consider patients not showing arginine-induced increases in HGH to have a pituitary malfunction, according to a February 2008 review in “Growth Hormone and IGF Research.” Interestingly, different HGH responses to arginine might help doctors make an accurate diagnosis. An experiment published in the April 2005 edition of “Clinical Endocrinology” tested this hypothesis in patients with Parkinson’s disease or multiple system atrophy. It is often difficult for clinicians to distinguish between these two medical conditions. In the study, participants received arginine during a single testing session. This treatment caused large HGH increases in healthy controls and in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Yet, patients with multiple system atrophy showed a much smaller response.
L-Ornithine Complex – AKG & HCL
Arginine and ornithine supplementation increases growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 serum levels after heavy-resistance exercise in strength-trained athletes
Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate, or OKG, is successfully used to improve burn healing and muscle protein building under stress
OKG is also a precursor for arginine (an amino acid) and nitric oxide (an antioxidant derived from arginine)
Their combination is often supplemented to increase muscle gains and speed repair after intense exercise or injuries.
L-ornithine HCl has been the subject of multiple studies on physical fatigue and recovery from exercise, and it appears to be fairly effective for this purpose
L-ornithine and L-arginine are often sold as a combined supplement because L-arginine improves the absorption of ornithine into the cell. In theory, arginine should amplify the effects of ornithine supplements. Use caution, however: according to a cell study, arginine’s usefulness has a ceiling. Above a certain concentration, arginine reduced ornithine uptake.
Combined supplements of ornithine and arginine are, overall, probably more effective than ornithine alone.
Lycopene Tomato Extract
Lycopene Inhibits the Growth of Normal Human Prostate Epithelial Cells in Vitro
- Promotes healthy prostate size & function
- Helps maintain already healthy prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels
- Supports healthy prostate cell division
- Helps inhibit inflammation to support healthy urination
- Encourages healthy hormone metabolism in the prostate
Sensactiv® Panax Ginseng & Rosa Canina Complex Extracts
Panax Ginseng together with Rosa Canina Extract, act as a effectiveness multiplier for other ingredients.
They both help all other ingredients to be absorbed faster and better but also improve the strength and the effectiveness of other ingredients.
They also have many benefits as:
- Boost energy
- Lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels
- Reduce stress
- Promote relaxation
- Treat diabetes
- Manage sexual dysfunction in men
- Reduce Inflammations
- Promote Brain Function
- Boost immune System
- Reduce Tiredness & Fatigue
- Anti-diabetic Properties
- Metabolism Boost
- Improves Liver Health
- Increases Lipid Metabolism
- Improves Thyroid Function
Astragin® – Astrangalus Membranaceus & Panax Ginseng Complex Extracts
AstraGin® est un nutraceutique intestinal exclusif de NuLiv Science, composé d'acides gras oméga-3 hautement purifiés et fractionnés, d'acides gras oméga-3 et d'acides gras oméga-3. Panax notoginsenget Astragalus membranaceus produit par une technologie propriétaire d'extraction et de traitement pharmaceutique.
AstraGin® a montré dans 16 in-vitro et 8 in-vivo qui sont publiées dans le Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research et Scientific Reports :
- Augmenter l'absorption des peptides, des acides aminés, des acides gras, des vitamines et des phytonutriments en régulant l'ARNm et les transporteurs spécifiques à l'absorption, tels que SGLT1, CAT1 et GLUT4*.
- Réparer les parois intestinales ulcérées et endommagées et réduire l'inflammation de la sous-muqueuse intestinale*.® a démontré, par une coloration à l'hématoxyline-éosine et un dosage de la MPO, qu'il réduisait l'ulcération et les surfaces peu claires des cellules épithéliales intestinales ainsi que l'œdème sous-muqueux chez les rats atteints de colite induite par le TNBS.
- Peut aider à maintenir une population de microbiote saine en réparant les surfaces de cellules épithéliales intestinales ulcérées et endommagées pour que le microbiote puisse s'y installer.
- Peut contribuer à renforcer les fonctions immunitaires en réparant les cellules épithéliales ulcérées et en réduisant l'inflammation dans la lamina propria de la muqueuse intestinale qui héberge le tissu lymphoïde associé à l'intestin (GALT1), les lymphocytes T, les plasmocytes, les mastocytes, les cellules dendritiques et les macrophages.
DigeZyme® – Multienzyme Complex
Ce que c'est :
It is a unique, proprietary blend of 5 specific enzymes, viz. α-amylase (starch hydrolyzing enzyme), protease (protein hydrolyzing enzyme), lipase (Fat hydrolyzing enzyme), cellulase (cellulose hydrolyzing enzyme), and lactase (lactose hydrolyzing enzyme)
- α–Amylase: Breaks down carbohydrates, such as starch, glycogen and polysaccharides into smaller units
- Cellulase: Breaks down cellulose and chitin. It helps to free nutrients in both fruits and vegetables
- Lipase: Breaks down lipids, improves fat utilization and supports healthy gallbladder function
- Protease: Breaks down protein and peptides, supports immune function
- Lactase: Breaks down lactose (milk sugar) and useful for lactose intolerance
How it works:
Enzymes are the essential part of any chemical reaction that takes place in our body. Various biological reactions are regulated by different types of enzymes.
For example, several enzymes play a key role in the proper digestion of the food that we consume everyday in order to be assimilated and help body to absorb several nutrients.
Enzyme supplementation helps:
To withstand the stress caused by sudden changes in food consumption patterns, exposure to environmental pollutants, extensive travel and unexpected changes in weather.
In cases of enzyme insufficiency, caused by damage to the sites of enzyme production.
To lessen the symptoms caused by digestive and metabolic disorders, wherein individuals lack specific enzymes. For example, lactose intolerance, which is caused by lactase deficiency.
Made from Plants:
A majority of the digestive enzyme supplements currently available in the market are from animal sources. Hence, enzyme origin would be a great concern for a customer who is strictly vegan. Microbial enzymes, often called “plant-derived,” are of bacterial or fungal origin and are produced through fermentation using these microorganisms.
Some of the best-known sources of microbial enzymes used in supplements include species like Aspergillus and Rhizopus (fungal), Bacillus (bacterial), and Saccharomyces (yeast).
Bioperine® – Black Pepper Extract 95%
Makes all other ingredients work better!! This what “natural bioavailability enhancer” signifie.
La biopérine est un extrait végétal dérivé de deux types de poivriers, à savoir le poivre long (Piper longum) et le poivre noir (Piper negrum). Ce composé chimique naturel est un produit breveté fabriqué à partir de l'extrait de pipérine standardisé provenant des espèces de poivrons susmentionnées. BioPérine® de Sabinsa (East Windsor, NJ) est un extrait standardisé breveté de poivre noir, contenant au moins 95 % de pipérine.
Des études pharmacologiques ont montré que la pipérine réduit l'inflammation et la douleur, possède une activité anticonvulsive et antiulcéreuse, protège le foie, a une activité délétère et antioxydante. Les résultats d'études antérieures ont montré que la pipérine avait une activité anxiolytique et antidépressive. La pipérine inhibe également l'activité de la monoamine oxydase (MAO) et augmente les niveaux de noradrénaline et de sérotonine dans certaines régions du cerveau de la souris.
Toutes ces caractéristiques en font un produit idéal pour les hommes et les femmes qui suivent un régime, mais plus important encore, Il s'agit d'un améliorateur de la biodisponibilité des nutriments cliniquement prouvé. Il montre une augmentation de l'irrigation sanguine du tractus gastro-intestinal, une augmentation du contenu émulsifiant de l'intestin et une augmentation du transport actif des nutriments.
Selon les manuels Merck, la biodisponibilité est l'étendue et la vitesse à laquelle un médicament actif pénètre dans la circulation systémique après avoir traversé les sites de métabolisme de premier passage, à savoir la paroi intestinale et le foie. Il a été démontré que la biopérine augmente la biodisponibilité des nutriments, à savoir le bêta-carotène, la vitamine B, la vitamine B6, la vitamine C, le sélénium et la coenzyme Q10, ainsi que d'autres ingrédients présents dans divers suppléments, y compris les suppléments de renforcement de la masculinité.
Selon les recherches menées par le fabricant, la biopérine augmente considérablement l'absorption du sélénium (30%), du bêta-carotène (60%), de la vitamine B6 (140-250%) ainsi que de la coenzyme Q10. Si votre brûleur de graisse ne contient pas de biopérine, il devrait en contenir, car il a été cliniquement prouvé que la biopérine améliore le transport actif des nutriments et, d'après une étude, qu'elle renforce l'effet de la caféine.
Nutriments par dose journalière recommandée :
Ingrédient | Per 3,1 g | %NRV* |
D-Aspartic acid | 403 mg | |
Peruvian maca 25:1 extract | 372 mg | |
Tribulus terrestris 90% extract
Saponins |
248 mg
223,2 mg |
Testofen®- Fenugreek extract
Saponins |
217 mg
108,5 mg |
L-Citrulline DL-Malate | 155 mg | |
Sensoril®- Ashwagandha extract
Oligosaccharides Withanolide glycosides |
124 mg
39,68 mg 12,4 mg |
Saw palmetto 11:1 extract
Fatty acids |
108,5 mg
48,82 mg |
L-Arginine AKG | 102,3 mg | |
L-Citrulline base | 102,3 mg | |
Magnesium L-pidolate
Magnésium |
124 mg
10,58 mg |
2,8% |
Magnesium citrate
Magnésium |
93 mg
15,81 mg |
4,2% |
Bisglycinate de magnésium
Magnésium |
77,5 mg
15,5 mg |
4,1% |
Magnesium carbonate
Magnésium |
49,6 mg
13,39 mg |
3,6% |
Total magnesium provided | 55,28 mg | 15% |
Gamma-oryzanol | 77,5 mg | 403,5% |
L-Arginine HCL | 68,2 mg | |
L-Ornithine AKG | 62 mg | |
L-Ornithine HCL | 62 mg | |
Tomato dry extract
Lycopene |
46,5 mg
9,24 mg |
Senactiv®- Panax ginseng & Rosa canina extracts | 46,5 mg | |
Digezyme®- Mutienzyme complex | 46,5 mg | |
Rhaponticum carthamoides 95% extract
Ecdysterone |
38,75 mg
36,81 mg |
Astragin®- Astragalus membranaceus & Panax ginseng extracts | 31 mg | |
Zinc bisglycinate
Zinc |
60 mg
12 mg |
120% |
Zinc picolinate
Zinc |
25 mg
5 mg |
50% |
Zinc citrate
Zinc |
25 mg
8 mg |
80% |
Total zinc provided | 25 mg | 250% |
Vitamin D | 38,75 µg | 775% |
Vitamine B6 | 6,32 mg | 451,4% |
Bioperine®- Black pepper dry extract
Pipérine |
9,3 mg
8,83 mg |
Selenium | 31 µg | 56,3% |
Boron | 0,5 mg |
*Valeur nutritionnelle de référence (VNR)
Informations sur le produit :
Net Weight: 124g
Lemon Flavour
15/20 days supply
Use Directions:
Utilisation suggérée: Mix 1 scoop (3,1g) to 120 ml of room temperature water. Consume the mix 40 minutes before your physical activity or before night sleep on an empty stomach.
Sport Performance Maximization: Consume 1 serving (1 scoop/120ml) 30-40 minutes before training.
Professional Athletes: Consume 1 serving (1 scoop/120ml), 30-40 minutes before training and one more serving before bedtime on an empty stomach.
Highest Bioavailability Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients & Herb Extracts:
D-Aspartic acid, Peruvian maca 25:1 dry extract (Lepidium meyenii Walp., root), Tribulus terrestris 90% dry extract (Tribulus terrestris L., aerial parts), Testofen®-Fenugreek dry extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum L., seeds)), L-citrulline DL -malate, Sensoril®- Ashawagandha dry extract (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal, root), Magnesium L-pidolate, Saw palmetto 11:1 dry extract (Serenoa repens (W.Bartram) Small, berries), L-Arginine alpha keto glutarate, L-Citrulline base, Magnesium citrate, Magnesium bisglycinate, Gamma oryzanol (Oryza sativa L.), L-Arginine hydrochloride, L-Ornithine alpha keto glutarate, L-Ornithine hydrochloride, Zinc bisglycinate, Jelucel (dietary fiber), Magnesium carbonate, Tomato dry extract (Solanum lycopersicum L., fruits), Senactiv®- (Ginseng dry extract (Panax notoginseng (Burkill) F.H. Chen., root), and Rosa canina (Rosa canina L., fruit)), Digezyme® Multienzyme complex (Maltodextrin, amylase, lipase, lactase, cellulase and protease), Anti-caking agents (calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid (dicalcium phosphate) and magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate)), Rhaponticum carthamoides 95% dry extract (Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin, root), Maltodextrin, Flavour, Lemon powder (Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck., fruit), Astragin®- (Astragalus dry extract (Astragalus membranaceus Moench) & Ginseng dry extract (Panax notoginseng (Burkill) F.H. Chen. A)), Anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), Zinc picolinate, Zinc citrate, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (Vitamin B6), Bioperine®- (Black pepper dry extract (Piper nigrum L., fruits), Sweetener (sucralose), L-Selenomethionine, Sweetener (acesulfame K), sodium borate.
Note: Supplements with high concentration in active ingredients and no preservatives, may turn from powder form to solid form. This is a natural effect of ingredients which are extra sensitive in humidity. Try to consume the product 30 days after opening. Keep in a dry and cool place always with the lid well closed. Do not use wet hands or tools to take the scoop from inside the tube.
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