Advanced Cholesterol Support
Healthy Cholesterol & Lipid levels
Advanced Cholesterol Support formula, is the highest effective formula ever developed to help you lower and jeep you cholesterol & blood lipid levels in a healthy reference range.
A unique formula, brought to you by Strength & Conditioning Nutrition UK, which combines 9 highly effective Herb Extracts & Vitamins, which are clinically proven to support the body to reduce cholesterol & triglycerides and keep them in a healthy level.
Not all ingredients are the same:
We use very concentrated herb extracts, compared to other brands which mostly use herb powders with low effectiveness.
Synergistic Formula:
We chose very carefully the type and the ratios of the ingredients, so they all work well together.
Regarding the effectiveness, absorption times and synergy is the key for a formula to give the proper results.
Advanced Cholesterol Support formula is a scientific masterpiece, as it approaches the cholesterol problem holistically.
Important note:
Never discontinue or change the dosage of a prescription drug given by your doctor. We produce the most effective natural supplements for every health problem but under no circumstances it can ever replace a prescription drug.
Soutien avancé du cholestérol Avantages :
- Augmente la sensibilité à l'insuline
- Améliore le métabolisme des graisses
- Améliore le métabolisme du sucre
- Réduit les LDL
- Augmente les HDL
- Réduit les triglycérides
- Bloque l'absorption du cholestérol dans les aliments
- Améliore le flux sanguin et la pression artérielle
- Effets anti-inflammatoires
- Riche en polyphénols
- Riche en phytostérols
- Effets antioxydants
What’s inside Advanced Cholesterol Support and how each ingredient works:
Berberis Extract 95%
Impressive Health Benefits of Berberine
Berberis Vulgaris Extract is rich in Berberine, an ingredient with several studies to prove its impressive benefits for health.
Studies have shown that it acts as a powerful antioxidant, combating cell damage caused by reactive molecules called free radicals.
Also, berberine may help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, slow the progression of certain cancer cells, fight infections, and have anti-inflammatory effects.
It has been shown to have powerful effects on many different biological systems.
It is one of the few supplements shown to be as effective as a pharmaceutical drug.
One of the main actions of berberine is to activate an enzyme inside cells called AMP-activated protein kinase
This enzyme is sometimes referred to as a “metabolic master switch”
It is found in the cells of various organs, including the brain, muscle, kidney, heart and liver. This enzyme plays a major role in regulating metabolism
It Causes a Major Reduction in Blood Sugar Levels
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that has become incredibly common in recent decades, causing millions of deaths every year.
It is characterized by elevated blood sugar (glucose) levels, either caused by insulin resistance or lack of insulin.
Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage the body’s tissues and organs, leading to various health problems and a shortened lifespan.
Many studies show that berberine can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes
In fact, its effectiveness is comparable to the popular diabetes drug metformin (Glucophage)
It seems to work via multiple different mechanisms
- Cholesterol-lowering Effect
- Decreases insulin resistance, making the blood sugar lowering hormone insulin more effective.
- Increases glycolysis, helping the body break down sugars inside cells.
- Decrease sugar production in the liver.
- Slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut.
- Increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut
Berberine may also be effective as a weight loss supplement.
So far, two studies have examined the effects on body weight.
In a 12-week study in obese individuals, 500 mg taken three times per day caused about 5 pounds of weight loss, on average. The participants also lost 3.6% of their body fat
Cinnamon 15:1 Extract
Cinnamon can help weight loss in many ways. For instance, research says that cinnamon supplementation can result in a significant improvement in all components of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic comprises multiple conditions existing simultaneously, like insulin resistance, high blood pressure, increased coagulation risk and abnormal cholesterol levels. Many of these individuals are also obese or overweight.
Cinnamon acts in multiple ways to keep weight off. For one thing, it is a well-known anti-diabetic spice. It can help lower and maintain blood sugar levels. Also, it helps improve cell sensitivity to the action of the hormone insulin, which transports glucose from the blood into the cell to be used as energy.
Cinnamon can also aid in blocking the activity of many digestive enzymes, thus slowing the absorption of sugar from the blood after eating a high-carbohydrate meal. Aside from diabetes, cinnamon has shown promise in promoting weight loss.
Cinnamon is high in fiber. The spice can therefore help reduce food cravings by promoting a feeling of satiety and fullness. Cinnamon can boost metabolism, since the body uses more energy to process the spice than it does for other foods.
Cinnamon may have an insulin-like action in the body, which is seen in the way sugar is broken down in the body. Cinnamon can also improve body metabolism, targeting the fat deposited in the abdominal area.
Health Benefits:
- High Anti-oxidant effect due to high polyphenol content
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Reduces LDL and Triglycerides
- Improves the sensitivity in Insulin
- Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
- Anti-Diabetic properties
- Benefitial for Neurodegenerative diseases
- Antibacterial & Antifungal Properties
Phytosterol Complex 95%
Beta-sitosterol might help reduce cholesterol levels by limiting the amount of cholesterol that is able to enter the body. It can also help reduce swelling in the prostate and other tissues. People most commonly use beta-sitosterol for lowering cholesterol levels and improving symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH).
Phytosterols are often added to foods and supplements to enhance heart health. These compounds are known to lower cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol absorption.
Grape Seed Extract 95%
Extrait de pépins de raisin peut aider à traiter un type de mauvaise circulation (insuffisance veineuse chronique) et un taux de cholestérol élevé. Grape seed extract also reduces swelling caused by injury and helps with eye disease related to diabetes. Many people are interested in grape seed extract because it contains antioxidants
Les bienfaits de l'extrait de pépins de raisin :
- Effet hypocholestérolémiant
- Améliore la santé cérébrale
- Améliore la tension artérielle
- Améliore la circulation sanguine
- Réduit les dommages oxydatifs
- Améliore les niveaux de collagène
- Améliore la solidité des os
- Soutient la mémoire
- Améliore la cicatrisation des plaies
- Protège le foie
Pine Bark Etract 95%
High Proanthocyanidins Pycnogenol
Les proanthocyanidines peuvent protéger le cœur et le système cardiovasculaire. They may work as antioxidants and block nitrosamines from forming. They may protect healthy cells from their effects
Supplementation with a pine bark extract rich in polyphenols increases plasma antioxidant capacity and alters the plasma lipoprotein profile
Pycnogenol (PYC), an extract of French maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster), is a potent antioxidant with potential health benefits. Its bioavailabilty has previously been shown by urinary excretion studies of constituents and metabolites of PYC. The aim of this study was to test the effect of PYC supplementation on measures of oxidative stress and the lipid profile in humans. Twenty-five healthy subjects received PYC (150 mg/d) for 6 wk. Fasting blood was collected at baseline, after 3 and 6 wk of supplementation, and again after a 4-wk washout period. After 6 wk of supplementation with PYC, a significant increase in plasma polyphenol levels was detectable, which was reversed after the 4-wk washout phase. The antioxidant effect of PYC was demonstrated by a significant increase in oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) in plasma throughout the supplementation period (P < 0.05). The ORAC value returned to baseline after the 4-wk washout period. Moreover, in addition to its antioxidant effects, PYC significantly reduced LDL-cholesterol levels and increased HDL-cholesterol levels in plasma of two-thirds of the subjects. While the LDL changes reversed during washout, the HDL increase did not. There was no significant difference in LDL oxidizability or plasma lipid peroxides following PYC supplementation. Hence, following oral supplementation in humans, PYC significantly increases antioxidant capacity of plasma, as determined by ORAC, and exerts favorable effects on the lipid profile.
Policosanol 10%
Policosanol seems to decrease cholesterol production in the liver and to increase the breakdown of LDL (low-density lipoprotein or “bad”) cholesterol. It might also help HDL (high-density lipoprotein or “good”) cholesterol work better. Policosanol also decreases the stickiness of cells in the blood known as platelets
Policosanol consists of eight specific long-chain alcohols, ranging in length from 24 to 34 carbon atoms. Octacosanol is the most abundant alcohol in policosanol, which accounts for about 63 percent of this mixture. Triacontanol comprises about 13 percent of policosanol, and hexacosanol makes up another six percent. The remaining alcohols in policosanol include dotriacontanol, heptacocosanol, nonacosanol, tetracosanol and tetratriacontanol.
Human and animal studies both show that policosanol may significantly lower the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. The exact mechanisms of these actions are not well-understood, although it appears that policosanol inhibits the production of cholesterol in the liver. Policosanol also increases the uptake, binding and degradation of LDL within a cell’s endoplasmic reticulum, an effect that is independent of its actions in the liver. The bioavailability of policosanol is limited, and additional studies are needed to determine if policosanol is active in the liver.
Multiple studies also show that policosanol helps support the body’s ability to reduce the production of platelets. The primary mechanism of this action is the inhibition of thromboxane A2 production, although policosanol may also increase the production of prostacycline. Large doses of policosanol may also inhibit the aggregation of platelets caused by collagen and arachidonic acid.
Uses of Policosanol
Policosanol is used in health supplements to help with cholesterol level management. It may also be beneficial for relieving leg discomfort and artery health support
Black Pepper Extract (Bioperine) 95%:
Améliore l'efficacité de tous les autres ingrédients ! C'est ce que "Amélioration de la biodisponibilité naturelle signifie.
Black Pepper Extract Benefits:
- Cholesterol-lowering Effect
- High Antioxidant Effect
- Anti-inflammatory
- Improves brain Function
- Improves Memory
- Improves Blood Sugar Control
- Boosts Absorption of Nutrients
- Improves Gut Health
- Reduces Appetite
La biopérine est un extrait végétal dérivé de deux types de poivriers, à savoir le poivre long (Piper longum) et le poivre noir (Piper negrum). Ce composé chimique naturel est un produit breveté fabriqué à partir de l'extrait de pipérine standardisé provenant des espèces de poivrons susmentionnées. BioPérine® de Sabinsa (East Windsor, NJ) est un extrait standardisé breveté de poivre noir, contenant au moins 95 % de pipérine.
Des études pharmacologiques ont montré que la pipérine réduit l'inflammation et la douleur, possède une activité anticonvulsive et antiulcéreuse, protège le foie, a une activité délétère et antioxydante. Les résultats d'études antérieures ont montré que la pipérine avait une activité anxiolytique et antidépressive. La pipérine inhibe également l'activité de la monoamine oxydase (MAO) et augmente les niveaux de noradrénaline et de sérotonine dans certaines régions du cerveau de la souris.
Toutes ces caractéristiques en font un produit idéal pour les hommes et les femmes qui suivent un régime, mais plus important encore, Il s'agit d'un améliorateur de la biodisponibilité des nutriments cliniquement prouvé. Il montre une augmentation de l'irrigation sanguine du tractus gastro-intestinal, une augmentation du contenu émulsifiant de l'intestin et une augmentation du transport actif des nutriments.
Selon les manuels Merck, la biodisponibilité est l'étendue et la vitesse à laquelle un médicament actif pénètre dans la circulation systémique après avoir traversé les sites de métabolisme de premier passage, à savoir la paroi intestinale et le foie. Il a été démontré que la biopérine augmente la biodisponibilité des nutriments, à savoir le bêta-carotène, la vitamine B, la vitamine B6, la vitamine C, le sélénium et la coenzyme Q10, ainsi que d'autres ingrédients présents dans divers suppléments, y compris les suppléments de renforcement de la masculinité.
Selon les recherches menées par le fabricant, la biopérine augmente considérablement l'absorption du sélénium (30%), du bêta-carotène (60%), de la vitamine B6 (140-250%) ainsi que de la coenzyme Q10. Si votre brûleur de graisse ne contient pas de biopérine, il devrait en contenir, car il a été cliniquement prouvé que la biopérine améliore le transport actif des nutriments et, d'après une étude, qu'elle renforce l'effet de la caféine.
Vitamin E
Some studies also show that taking vitamin E supplements may reduce LDL and triglyceride levels in people with metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions, including high blood fat levels, that increases the risk of heart disease and other health conditions.
Vitamin E benefits:
- Reduces Oxidative Stress
- Reduces Heart-disease risk factors
- Reduces Cholesterol & Triglycerides
- Helps People with Fat Liver Disease
- Improves Lung Function
- Improves Skin Health
- Improves Cognitive Health
- Improves Eye Health
- Improves Immunity
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Niacin, a B vitamin, has long been used to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol — the “good” cholesterol that helps remove low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the “bad” cholesterol from your bloodstream
Niacin is a B-vitamin. When taken as a prescription in larger doses, it can help lower cholesterol and other fats in your blood.
Niacin Benefits:
- Improves blood fat levelsNiacin may help to improve your blood fat levels by:
- increasing your HDL (good) cholesterol
- reducing your LDL (bad) LDL cholesterol
- reducing your triglyceride levels
- Reduces blood pressure
- May help treat type 1 diabetesType 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which your body attacks and destroys insulin-creating cells in your pancreas.There’s research to suggest that niacin could help protect those cells and possibly even lower the risk of type 1 diabetes in children who have a higher chance of developing this condition.
- Boosts brain functionYour brain needs niacin — as a part of the coenzymes NAD and NADP — to get energy and function properly.
- Improves skin healthNiacin helps protect skin cells from sun damage, whether it’s used orally or as a cream
Dose journalière recommandée: 3 capsules.
Nutriments par dose journalière recommandée :
Ingrédient | Per 3 capsules | %NRV* |
Berberis dry extract
Berberine |
450 mg
436,5 mg |
Cinnamon 15:1 dry extract | 120 mg | |
Phytosterols complex 95%
Soy β-sitosterol |
99 mg
34,65 mg |
Grape seed dry extract 95%
Proanthocyanidines |
90 mg
85,5 mg |
Pine dry extract 95%
Proanthocyanidines |
90 mg
85,5 mg |
Policosanol en poudre
Octacosanol |
60 mg
6 mg |
Vitamin E | 15 mg α-TE | 125% |
Niacin | 9,9 mg NE | 61,8% |
Bioperine®- Black pepper dry extract
Pipérine |
18 mg
17,1 mg |
*Valeur nutritionnelle de référence (VNR)
Informations sur le produit :
60 capsules | 20 days supply
Use Directions:
Utilisation suggérée: Consume 1 capsule 3 times a day (3 capsules daily total), with a meal
Highest Bioavailability Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients & Herb Extracts:
Berberis vulgaris dry extract (Berberis vulgaris L., root), Maltodextrin, Capsule (Glazing agent (Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose)), Cinnamon 15:1 dry extract (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume, bark), Phytosterols complex (35% SOY β-sitosterol), Grape seed dry extract (Vitis vinifera L., seeds), Pine dry extract (Pinus massoniana Lamb., bark), Policosanol powder (from Saccharum officinarum L., wax), Anti-caking agent (Magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate)), Vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate), Bioperine®- (Black pepper dry extract (Piper nigrum L., fruits), Niacin (Nicotinic acid).
Warnings: Food supplements should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed stated recommended dose. Keep out of reach of young children. Consult a physician if you are pregnant or lactating. Discontinue use if you experience any allergy. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
*Ce site web est uniquement destiné à l'éducation et à l'information générale sur la santé. Les idées, opinions et suggestions contenues dans ce site ne doivent pas se substituer à un avis médical, un diagnostic ou un traitement de votre médecin pour tout état ou problème de santé. Les utilisateurs de ce site web ne doivent pas se fier aux informations fournies sur ce site pour leurs propres problèmes de santé. Toute question concernant votre propre santé doit être adressée à votre médecin. Ne commencez pas ou n'arrêtez pas de prendre des médicaments sans consulter votre médecin. Nous ne vous encourageons pas à le faire et nous ne pouvons être tenus responsables des conséquences de l'absence de consultation d'un médecin.